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Lil Wayne Better Than Eminem, So Why? Sorry to everybody

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  • Re: Lil Wayne Better Than Eminem, So Why? Sorry to everybody

    Originally posted by YMCMB-FTW View Post
    Like, fuck reviews. If you're gonna let reviewers decide what shit is good, then you're just hopeless, man.
    lol. oh no. i heard it. 2.8 is being friendly for that garbage ass album.

    not to mention. pitchfork is pretty good at reviewing albums.
    and everything that dude said about eminem is spot on.

    soooo. even if just in this case alone.



    • Re: Lil Wayne Better Than Eminem, So Why? Sorry to everybody

      Originally posted by mode View Post
      lol. oh no. i heard it. 2.8 is being friendly for that garbage ass album.

      not to mention. pitchfork is pretty good at reviewing albums.
      and everything that dude said about eminem is spot on.

      soooo. even if just in this case alone.

      LOL, Recovery is garbage? The only reason I could think of is because there's Rihanna and Pink on it, and that only applies to pop haters. Which I'm not.
      Plus, they gave IANAHB a 6.7. Not that the album isn't great, just that Recovery is WAAAAAAY better than IANAHB.


      • Re: Lil Wayne Better Than Eminem, So Why? Sorry to everybody

        Originally posted by YMCMB-FTW View Post
        LOL, Recovery is garbage? The only reason I could think of is because there's Rihanna and Pink on it, and that only applies to pop haters. Which I'm not.
        Plus, they gave IANAHB a 6.7. Not that the album isn't great, just that Recovery is WAAAAAAY better than IANAHB.
        lol. recovery is the worst rap album ive heard in a longggg time.

        At his best, he has always made a fascinating scramble of his internal turmoil, but the guy rapping on Recovery just sounds devoid of any noticeable joy, personality, or wit.

        Not that he's not trying. As on Relapse, Em almost passes out showing us he's still got it, rapping in double and triple time, piling tricky syncopations on top of each other, constructing whole verses with end rhymes buried in the middle of phrases-- basically any kind of pyrotechnical trick he can think of to wow the kind of rap listeners who venerate technical skill above all else. And yet for all the rattling-around-inside-the-beat syllable pileups here, there is almost nothing worth quoting. He reels off an astonishing amount of cringe-worthy lines, on the order of, "Girl, shake that ass like a donkey with Parkinson's." On the menopausal, Diane Warren-esque uplift anthem "Not Afraid", he actually strings together the excruciating lines, "Okay, stop playin' with the scissors and shit, and cut the crap/ I shouldn't have to rhyme these words in a rhythm for you to know it's a wrap." Eminem spends nearly half of Recovery insisting he's the best rapper alive, but for the first time in his career, he actually sounds clumsy.

        He can't even coexist meaningfully with a beat-- every producer he works with seems to give him the most attenuated version of their signature sound possible and back away carefully.

        this is why recovery is shit.
        the pop reaches with rihanna.
        and pink. only make it worse.

        loooool. lets notice how youre going 0-2 right now.

        youre saying recovery is good and it got a 2.8.

        and you just called ianahb great. and it got a 6.7.

        stop it b.


        • Re: Lil Wayne Better Than Eminem, So Why? Sorry to everybody




          • Re: Lil Wayne Better Than Eminem, So Why? Sorry to everybody

            Originally posted by Franknstein View Post

            stay stupid breh.


            • Re: Lil Wayne Better Than Eminem, So Why? Sorry to everybody

              Originally posted by mode View Post
              lol. recovery is the worst rap album ive heard in a longggg time.

              At his best, he has always made a fascinating scramble of his internal turmoil, but the guy rapping on Recovery just sounds devoid of any noticeable joy, personality, or wit.

              Not that he's not trying. As on Relapse, Em almost passes out showing us he's still got it, rapping in double and triple time, piling tricky syncopations on top of each other, constructing whole verses with end rhymes buried in the middle of phrases-- basically any kind of pyrotechnical trick he can think of to wow the kind of rap listeners who venerate technical skill above all else. And yet for all the rattling-around-inside-the-beat syllable pileups here, there is almost nothing worth quoting. He reels off an astonishing amount of cringe-worthy lines, on the order of, "Girl, shake that ass like a donkey with Parkinson's." On the menopausal, Diane Warren-esque uplift anthem "Not Afraid", he actually strings together the excruciating lines, "Okay, stop playin' with the scissors and shit, and cut the crap/ I shouldn't have to rhyme these words in a rhythm for you to know it's a wrap." Eminem spends nearly half of Recovery insisting he's the best rapper alive, but for the first time in his career, he actually sounds clumsy.

              He can't even coexist meaningfully with a beat-- every producer he works with seems to give him the most attenuated version of their signature sound possible and back away carefully.

              this is why recovery is shit.
              the pop reaches with rihanna.
              and pink. only make it worse.

              loooool. lets notice how youre going 0-2 right now.

              youre saying recovery is good and it got a 2.8.

              and you just called ianahb great. and it got a 6.7.

              stop it b.
              You just copied that off the review. I don't see where your OWN OPINION is. And don't pull a "my opinion is the same as the review" bullshit. 'Cause you don't even have one.


              • Re: Lil Wayne Better Than Eminem, So Why? Sorry to everybody

                Originally posted by YMCMB-FTW View Post
                You just copied that off the review. I don't see where your OWN OPINION is. And don't pull a "my opinion is the same as the review" bullshit. 'Cause you don't even have one.
                mode u might wanna bring sum extra cash wit ya to tip all these servers haha


                • Re: Lil Wayne Better Than Eminem, So Why? Sorry to everybody

                  Originally posted by YMCMB-FTW View Post
                  You just copied that off the review. I don't see where your OWN OPINION is. And don't pull a "my opinion is the same as the review" bullshit. 'Cause you don't even have one.
                  lol. no shit.
                  the point was that everything.
                  that he said was spot on.
                  and that 2.8 review.
                  that he got was merited.

                  loool. logic must not be your thing.

                  it isnt hard to come to the same opinion.
                  on something when youre observing it objectively.
                  and in this case, hear the same thing.

                  yes. eminem does sound clumsy as fuck.
                  its just a bunch of cluttered rhyme patterns.
                  that dont mean anything. but hes trying sooo hard.
                  to make it sound like hes nice by using these schemes.
                  but if you look past that. you can see its all bullshit.
                  you see how its soo forced. and this is from.
                  one of the most natural rhymers ever.
                  so its made even more apparent.

                  on top of that. his flow is absolute shit.
                  it sounds like hes completely lost over the music.
                  and he has no idea what hes doing. which is the most inexplicable
                  thing out of all this. hes been making music for what 16 years now.
                  and now alll of the sudden he sounds lost. like he doesnt know.
                  where his flow should fall. or what his voice should do over the music.
                  that might be why he always yelling. hes frustrated as fuck cos he knows.
                  hes not doing it the he should be doing. even on no love. though its popular to say.
                  that he killed wayne. at leasttt wayne sounded good over the beat. wayne is still comfortable over music.
                  whereas you have eminem trying to compensate for all the wack shit that hes saying.

                  not to mention that beat is wack. that was literally a just blaze throwabeat that he made in like 20 minutes.

                  and that goes for most of the beats.
                  which even if they were okayyy. he just wasnt.
                  in the place to rap on them the right way.

                  and that leads to shitty ass songs like not afraid.
                  which is damn near a personal affront to my ears. like fuck. that shit is offensive.

                  psuedo christian pop rap that sounds fucking terrible.
                  with his terrible singing. and then a church choir. woooord.
                  thats whats dope. but lets let the wack lines pass.
                  like that cut the crap line. and the shoudlnt have to put these words to rhythm.
                  for you to know that its a rap. ooooooooh shit. i get it. rap like rap. but like wrap too. like its over.

                  fuck outta here. its a shit song. that im not giving any bonus points for its so called inspirational content.
                  or whatever the fuck you want to call it. same goes for love the way you lie. and space bound.
                  and all the other corny ass records on there. content doesnt equal quality. and for all the supposed mature content.
                  on recovery. its just a bunch of shit music.

                  but hey. you can ride to that corny shit all day.

                  ---------- Post added at 08:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 AM ----------

                  Originally posted by Weezy F Ganja View Post
                  mode u might wanna bring sum extra cash wit ya to tip all these servers haha
                  that was lame.


                  • Re: Lil Wayne Better Than Eminem, So Why? Sorry to everybody

                    So, to sum up, your points are:
                    - Wack punchlines: Well, everybody makes wack punchlines once in a while. For average pop listeners, that's about enough to wow them.
                    But, if you pay attentions to lyrics, you will realize that Recovery isn't about punchlines at all. Too bad you don't.
                    - Screaming pop rap: Eminem could weep rap for all I care, as long as he delivers. Once again, lyrics matter when it comes to Eminem.
                    And pop rap??? Seriously??? Well, aside from LTWYL and Space Bound, which have pop feels. But Eminem will NEVER be a pop rapper. That title goes to Flo Rida and Pitbull.
                    - Wack beats: I think this is a matter of personal opinions. But you tell me those DJ Khalil beats don't BANG??? What the hell is wrong with you???
                    - Wack singing: I admit, the singing here isn't that good. His old singing (Hailie's Song, Mockingbird) is better.


                    • Re: Lil Wayne Better Than Eminem, So Why? Sorry to everybody

                      Originally posted by YMCMB-FTW View Post
                      So, to sum up, your points are:
                      - Wack punchlines: Well, everybody makes wack punchlines once in a while. For average pop listeners, that's about enough to wow them.
                      But, if you pay attentions to lyrics, you will realize that Recovery isn't about punchlines at all. Too bad you don't.
                      - Screaming pop rap: Eminem could weep rap for all I care, as long as he delivers. Once again, lyrics matter when it comes to Eminem.
                      And pop rap??? Seriously??? Well, aside from LTWYL and Space Bound, which have pop feels. But Eminem will NEVER be a pop rapper. That title goes to Flo Rida and Pitbull.
                      - Wack beats: I think this is a matter of personal opinions. But you tell me those DJ Khalil beats don't BANG??? What the hell is wrong with you???
                      - Wack singing: I admit, the singing here isn't that good. His old singing (Hailie's Song, Mockingbird) is better.

                      whew. i thought the forum ate this post.

                      and no. thats not my point.
                      its not about wack punchlines.
                      its about wack writing. and the writing.
                      regardless of content was terrible.
                      too bad you dont see that.


                      loool. 0-3. except he didnt deliver on this album.
                      and these lyrics only wow'd pop listeners. or those who think.
                      that technical skill overrides everything else. even if its clumsy as fuck.
                      but i suppose you would have to have a discerning ear to pick up on those things.

                      loool. very serious. not afraid is up there too.
                      and no love. with that sample. and just overall.
                      because of its commercial approach.

                      and as for the beats.
                      yeah khalil is a nice producer.
                      but none of these dudes. gave eminem.
                      their best work. looool. im listening to talking 2 myself.
                      right now. and this shit is laughable. khalil gives better beats to jim jones.

                      and this goes to show how far eminem has fallen.
                      he used to be able to rhyme some sshit so sick that the beat didnt matter.
                      now all of this shit just sounds bad.

                      and whats right with me.

                      is that i listen to good shit.
                      and dont fall for this wackness.

