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My Language Arts teacher is a Fan!!!

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  • My Language Arts teacher is a Fan!!!

    so my LA teacher is a Lil Wayne Fan and she said that most people do not know this but lil wayne has a high IQ and he's very smart (of course lil Wayne fans know this!!) and that his sort of like the new Shakespeare because of all the words he creates.. i love this teacher now.
    Anyway here are somethings that Lil Wayne has said in past interviews which are very real!

    Home � Blog � Uncategorized � Lil Wayne Quotes for Personal Growth
    Lil Wayne Quotes for Personal Growth
    Posted: February 16th, 2008 by: jullien comments: 3

    from XXL Magazine (Jan/Feb 200

    I�m not hot. I�m great.

    Insight: To be hot is to be temporary. Greatness endures.
    I love fans, but I honor believers. Believers know you�re great. That�s why they believe in you.

    Insight: Know the difference between who will ride with and who will ride for you.
    XXL: You do have a similar work ethic (as 2 Pac), as far as the amount of records you put out and the time you spend in the studio?

    Wayne: It�s not even time I spend. I live in the studio. I spend time doing other $h#+.

    Insight: Passions aren�t for free-time, they�re for full-time.
    XXL: Do you ever get creatively drained working at such a pace?

    Wayne: That�s a crazy question because obviously I don�t right?

    Insight: Just keep creating to get more creative energy.
    My mind set is always the same. I�m never there�You�re never there until you�re there.

    Insight: It�s not until we push ourselves to our limits that we realize that we�re limitless.
    Yeah, that�s very not important to me � sales. I�m not set out to be bought. I�m set out to be heard�I�m focused on making great music.

    Insight: Create value first and the money will follow.
    I don�t think nobody know what they can do �til they do it

    Insight: Action speaks louder than words. Don�t talk about it. Try.
    I�m changing that. It used to be �Work like Jamaicans.� (I want it to be) Work like Waye.

    Insight: Whoever wants to work the least later, must work hardest today.
    I do what I do �cause I do. �Cause I know why I do what I do.

    Insight: Know your intentions and disregard what other people think.
    I don�t listen to radio and $h#+. I rarely�I�m on this bus all day. I critique my $h#+ all day. I�m my biggest fan and hater and believer and nonbeliever. I�m trying to study MY game. No disrespect to anybody. It ain�t even that I don�t have the time to listen to it, it�s just � that�s how great I wanna be.

    Insight: Competition is a distraction. Study you, not your perceived competitor.

    from The Source, April 2008
    Man, I just work. When you work the way I work, things find themselves.

    Insight: Don�t force it.
    I already be seeing me on stage like what should I be looking like? What they gonna say when I say this part? Ni%&as don�t be analyzing that $#&t. Ni%&as just trying to make the next word rhyme with the last word they said. Me thought�I aim for the heart.

    Insight: Visualize greatness.
    You should feel like you�re the best with anything you do, whoever you are. I just happen to rap so I said I�m the best rapper. If you don�t think you�re the best at something what are you doing it for? Do you want to be conservative or do you want to live life doing what the f%ck you wanted to do, saying what the f%ck you wanted to say, being who the f%ck you wanted to be. I�m the definition of everything I just said.

    Insight: If you�re not striving to be the best, don�t play the game.
    I�m so much of a perfectionist, nothing I do ain�t gonna be right. To tell you the truth, I think everything I�ve done has been a classic. You gonna have to find another word cause classic (5 mics) ain�t gone do.

    Insight: Always put your best foot forward.

    This is what I was born for. You know how they got people who are made to do things and they can�t do them wrong �cause that�s what they�re here for?

    Insight: We all have a calling and when we find it, we can�t do wrong.
    Record sales have never been a thing to me. My album dropped in three years first of all. And I�m the hottest n!gg@ out here.

    Insight: The money will come.

    from Vibe, May 2008
    I wanna be a Bob Marley. I wanna be a Tupac � their lives mean so much�I wanna mean so much after I�m gone.

    Insight: Focus on leaving a legacy
    I still feel like I�m not being respected�I still feel like I don�t have the crown. I still feel like there�s something I have to do that hasn�t been done.

    Insight: Do what has never been done before.
    I love the studio�It feels like going into a classroom, you know you didn�t study everything, the test gets in front of you, and you�re like �Damn, I know all the answers.� That�s how I feel when I get in the studio, like �Damn, I know all the answers.

    Insight: Focus on your strengths. Take the class where the answers come naturally.
    MTV Interview

    �I ain�t nowhere near my goal. I�m just having a great time getting there.�

    �Every time I get in the studio, I do it for those people. And for the people that don�t agree, I do it for them too. So hopefully one day they do agree. But if you agree with what I�m saying, then I love you, but if you don�t, I love you too � but you will [agree] one day.�

    �I love what I do,� he added. �I love this job. My job is my dream, so every time I get in the studio, I get to dream again. I just chase my dream.�
    from the Guardian

    �I�ll be there. I don�t think about things that I have to do to get there; I just wake up every day and do something to get there. And whatever it is that I do, I look back and say that�s what I done to get here.�

    �It�s not lyrics, so I don�t have to come up with it. I am what I�m saying. I just do it. This is what I am,�

    �I already know who I am. I gotta lot of mirrors all around my crib, so I know what I look like and I can see through these,� he says, pointing to his inked eyes. �It�s more about figuring out everybody else and the way they are. You know how they act, who they are and then you�re never sure. And that�s the beauty of psychology, the beauty of humanity. Psychology teaches you that you could never know someone.�

    �I can explain me in one word,� he decides. �Unexplainable.� Here we go. �No, listen,� he pleads, suddenly eager to be understood. �Anybody who can be explained should be ashamed of themselves. I wasn�t created, I wasn�t made. I was put here and there�s no word for it,� he nods, gathering up his sunglasses and syrup. �I can�t explain myself. You look at me and tell me what you see, you listen to me and tell me what you get. That�s what it is, that�s who I am.� Swig, grin, sunglasses back on. �I am music, ya dig?�
    from the Carter 3

    �Confidence has no budget.� � Dr. Carter

    �Repetition is the father of learning.� � Shoot Me Down
    from Baller Status

    �Music is my drug.�
    �Stay personal. Music is personal. It�s about the person. Stay within yourself.
    �I�ma Leave it to God, not me nor neither you�
    Mr. Carter, The Carter 3

    Love Women XO

    The Weeknd - 33 Mill


  • #2
    Re: My Language Arts teacher is a Fan!!!

    Cool story bro.


    • #3
      Re: My Language Arts teacher is a Fan!!!

      Congrats to your language arts teacher? I guess..

      "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


      • #4
        Re: My Language Arts teacher is a Fan!!!

        Too Long, didnt read


        • #5
          Re: My Language Arts teacher is a Fan!!!

          nowadays he's not so smart with his lyrics


          • #6
            Re: My Language Arts teacher is a Fan!!!

            The teacher is a ganster?


            • #7
              Re: My Language Arts teacher is a Fan!!!

              Good Read ...................
              "Always had a black tool,even when i was at school 'cuz bullies aren't bulletproof..."


              • #8
                Re: My Language Arts teacher is a Fan!!!

                Originally posted by Eazyana? View Post
                Cool story bro.
                lol oookkk

                ---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 PM ----------

                Originally posted by Murillo View Post
                The teacher is a ganster?
                i doubt it, she is a woman and she is too friendly.

                ---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 PM ----------

                Originally posted by matbouli View Post
                Good Read ...................
                mmmm sarcasm??

                Love Women XO

                The Weeknd - 33 Mill



                • #9
                  Re: My Language Arts teacher is a Fan!!!

                  She hot ?


                  • #10
                    Re: My Language Arts teacher is a Fan!!!

                    Originally posted by DARKAVELI View Post
                    She hot ?
                    dude very fucking hot!!!

                    Love Women XO

                    The Weeknd - 33 Mill

                    I WENT FROM RED BARS, TO REP STARS.


                    • #11
                      Re: My Language Arts teacher is a Fan!!!

                      lol he said hes not worried about sales...that made me laugh


                      • #12
                        Re: My Language Arts teacher is a Fan!!!

                        wow a teacher that listens to weezy!!!??? never thought id see the day

