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Lil Wayne vs Drake Tour Bingo [WIN VET STATUS]

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  • Lil Wayne vs Drake Tour Bingo [WIN VET STATUS]

    Hi guys, lets see if we can get a tour bingo poppin

    The rules are simple:

    • Copy the list in the spoiler
    • Fill each city with who you think will win
    • Post your guess
    • The user with the most points wins

    I will update the OP with all the submissions so people cant edit their guess

    On 28th September I will announce the winner..

    If more than 3 people share the topresult in the end I behold the right to cancel the prize,
    since that would mean that we didnt have enough contesters..

    And honestly.. I dont want to give Vet out to people who dont deserve it .. so yeah

    Let the game begin.

    SPOILERSaratoga Springs -
    Hartford -
    Cincinnati -
    Detroit -
    Pittsburgh -
    New York -
    Philadelphia -
    Boston -
    Newark -
    Virginia Beach -
    Washington DC -
    Charlotte -
    Atlanta -
    Miami -
    Tampa -
    Austin -
    Dallas -
    Denver -
    Salt Lake City -
    Portland -
    Seattle -
    San Francisco
    Sacramento -
    Irvine -
    San Diego -
    Los Angeles -
    Phoenix -
    Houston -

    nyberg - 9
    WeezySVK - 9
    romanreloaded - 12
    MarkoMaxx - 9
    lil_espo - 10
    WeEeEeEzZzZyYy -10
    Mind` - 11
    Shake - 12
    back on my bullish*t - 8
    LilTun?chi - 10
    MikeLitoris - 7
    lilwayne-carter - 9
    TinyPenisProductions - 12


    SPOILERSaratoga Springs - Wayne
    Hartford - Wayne
    Cincinnati - Wayne
    Detroit - Wayne
    Pittsburgh - Drake
    New York - Wayne
    Philadelphia - Wayne
    Boston - Wayne
    Newark - Wayne
    Virginia Beach - Wayne
    Washington DC - Drake
    Charlotte - Wayne
    Atlanta - Wayne
    Miami - Wayne
    Tampa - Wayne
    Austin - Drake
    Dallas - Wayne
    Denver - Drake
    Salt Lake City - Wayne
    Portland - Wayne
    Seattle - Wayne
    San Francisco -Drake
    Sacramento - Wayne
    Irvine - Wayne
    San Diego - Wayne
    Los Angeles - Wayne
    Phoenix - Wayne
    Houston - Drake

    SPOILERSaratoga Springs - Drake
    Hartford - Wayne
    Cincinnati - Drake
    Detroit - Wayne
    Pittsburgh - Drake
    New York - Wayne
    Philadelphia - Wayne
    Boston - Drake
    Newark - Drake
    Virginia Beach - Wayne
    Washington DC - Drake
    Charlotte - Wayne
    Atlanta - Wayne
    Miami - Wayne
    Tampa - Wayne
    Austin - Drake
    Dallas - Drake
    Denver - Wayne
    Salt Lake City - Wayne
    Portland - Drake
    Seattle - Drake
    San Francisco - Wayne
    Sacramento - Drake
    Irvine - Drake
    San Diego - Wayne
    Los Angeles - Wayne
    Phoenix - Drake
    Houston - Wayne

    SPOILERSaratoga Springs - Lil Wayne
    Hartford - Drake
    Cincinnati - Lil Wayne
    Detroit - Lil Wayne
    Pittsburgh - Drake
    New York - Lil Wayne
    Philadelphia - Lil Wayne
    Boston - Lil Wayne
    Newark - Lil Wayne
    Virginia Beach - Lil Wayne
    Washington DC - Drake
    Charlotte - Lil Wayne
    Atlanta - Lil Wayne
    Miami - Lil Wayne
    Tampa - Lil Wayne
    Austin - Drake
    Dallas - Lil Wayne
    Denver - Drake
    Salt Lake City - Lil Wayne
    Portland - Lil Wayne
    Seattle - Lil Wayne
    San Francisco -Drake
    Sacramento - Lil Wayne
    Irvine - Lil Wayne
    San Diego - Lil Wayne
    Los Angeles - Lil Wayne
    Phoenix - Drake
    Houston - Drake

    SPOILERSaratoga Springs - Drake
    Hartford - Drake
    Cincinnati - Wayne
    Detroit - Wayne
    Pittsburgh - Drake
    New York - Drake
    Philadelphia -Wayne
    Boston - Drake
    Newark - Drake
    Virginia Beach - Wayne
    Washington DC - Wayne
    Charlotte - Wayne
    Atlanta - Drake
    Miami - Drake
    Tampa - Wayne
    Austin - Wayne
    Dallas - Wayne
    Denver - Drake
    Salt Lake City - Drake
    Portland - Drake
    Seattle - Wayne
    San Francisco - Drake
    Sacramento - Wayne
    Irvine - Wayne
    San Diego - Wayne
    Los Angeles - Drake
    Phoenix - Drake
    Houston - Wayne

    Saratoga Springs - Drake
    Hartford - Wayne
    Cincinnati - Wayne
    Detroit - Wayne
    Pittsburgh - Wayne
    New York - Drake
    Philadelphia - Wayne
    Boston - Drake
    Newark - Drake
    Virginia Beach - Wayne
    Washington DC - Drake
    Charlotte - Wayne
    Atlanta - Wayne
    Miami - Wayne
    Tampa - Wayne
    Austin - Drake
    Dallas - Drake
    Denver - Drake
    Salt Lake City - Wayne
    Portland - Drake
    Seattle - Drake
    San Francisco - Wayne
    Sacramento - Drake
    Irvine - Wayne
    San Diego - Wayne
    Los Angeles - Wayne
    Phoenix - Drake
    Houston - Wayne

    SPOILERSaratoga Springs - drake
    Hartford - drake
    Cincinnati - wayne
    Detroit - wayne
    Pittsburgh - wayne
    New York - drake
    Philadelphia -wayne
    Boston - drake
    Newark - drake
    Virginia Beach - drake
    Washington DC - drake
    Charlotte - drake
    Atlanta - wayne
    Miami - wayne
    Tampa - wayne
    Austin - drake
    Dallas - drake
    Denver - wayne
    Salt Lake City -
    Portland - wayne
    Seattle - drake
    San Francisco - wayne
    Sacramento - drake
    Irvine - drake
    San Diego - wayne
    Los Angeles - wayne
    Phoenix - wayne
    Houston -drake

    SPOILERSaratoga Springs - Drake
    Hartford - Wayne
    Cincinnati - Wayne
    Detroit - Wayne
    Pittsburgh - Wayne
    New York - Drake
    Philadelphia - Drake
    Boston - Drake
    Newark - Wayne
    Virginia Beach - Wayne
    Washington DC - Drake
    Charlotte - Wayne
    Atlanta - Wayne
    Miami - Drake
    Tampa - Wayne
    Austin - Drake
    Dallas - Drake
    Denver - Wayne
    Salt Lake City - Drake
    Portland - Wayne
    Seattle - Wayne
    San Francisco Wayne
    Sacramento - Drake
    Irvine - Drake
    San Diego - Wayne
    Los Angeles - Wayne
    Phoenix - Drake
    Houston - Wayne

    ShakeSPOILERSaratoga Springs - Tunechi
    Hartford - Drake
    Cincinnati - Tunechi
    Detroit - Drake
    Pittsburgh - Tunechi
    New York - Drake
    Philadelphia -Tunechi
    Boston - Drake
    Newark - Tunechi
    Virginia Beach - Tunechi
    Washington DC - Drake
    Charlotte - Drake
    Atlanta - Tunechi
    Miami - Tunechi
    Tampa - Tunechi
    Austin - Drake
    Dallas - Drake
    Denver - Drake
    Salt Lake City - Tunechi
    Portland - Tunechi
    Seattle - Drake
    San Francisco - Drake
    Sacramento - Tunechi
    Irvine - Drake
    San Diego - Drake
    Los Angeles - Tunechi
    Phoenix - Tunechi
    Houston - Drake

    back on my bullish*tSPOILER
    Saratoga Springs - drake
    Hartford - drake
    Cincinnati - weezy
    Detroit - drake
    Pittsburgh - weezy
    New York - drake
    Philadelphia -weezy
    Boston - weezy
    Newark - weezy
    Virginia Beach - drake
    Washington DC - weezy
    Charlotte - drake
    Atlanta - drake
    Miami - weezy
    Tampa - weezy
    Austin - drake
    Dallas - drake
    Denver - weezy
    Salt Lake City -
    Portland - drake
    Seattle - weezy
    San Francisco drake
    Sacramento - drake
    Irvine - weezy
    San Diego - drake
    Los Angeles - weezy
    Phoenix - weezy
    Houston - drake

    LilTunƎchiSPOILERSaratoga Springs - Wayne
    Hartford - Wayne
    Cincinnati - Drake
    Detroit - Drake
    Pittsburgh - Wayne
    New York - Wayne
    Philadelphia - Wayne
    Boston - Drake
    Newark - Drake
    Virginia Beach - Wayne
    Washington DC - Drake
    Charlotte - Drake
    Atlanta - Drake
    Miami - Wayne
    Tampa - Wayne
    Austin - Drake
    Dallas - Wayne
    Denver - Wayne
    Salt Lake City - Wayne
    Portland - Drake
    Seattle - Drake
    San Francisco - Wayne
    Sacramento - Drake
    Irvine - Drake
    San Diego - Wayne
    Los Angeles - Drake
    Phoenix - Wayne
    Houston - Drake

    Saratoga Springs - Drake
    Hartford - Wayne
    Cincinnati - Wayne
    Detroit - Drake
    Pittsburgh - Wayne
    New York - Wayne
    Philadelphia - Wayne
    Boston - Wayne
    Newark - Drake
    Virginia Beach - Drake
    Washington DC - Drake
    Charlotte - Drake
    Atlanta - Wayne
    Miami - Wayne
    Tampa - Wayne
    Austin - Drake
    Dallas - Drake
    Denver - Wayne
    Salt Lake City - Drake
    Portland - Drake
    Seattle - Wayne
    San Francisco - Wayne
    Sacramento - Drake
    Irvine - Wayne
    San Diego - Drake
    Los Angeles - Wayne
    Phoenix - Wayne
    Houston - Drake

    Cincinnati - wayne
    Detroit - drake
    Pittsburgh - drake
    New York - drake
    Philadelphia - wayne
    Boston - wayne
    Newark - drake
    Virginia Beach - wayne
    Washington DC - drake
    Charlotte - drake
    Atlanta - wayne
    Miami - drake
    Tampa - wayne
    Austin - wayne
    Dallas - drake
    Denver - wayne
    Salt Lake City - drake
    Portland - drake
    Seattle - drake
    San Francisco - wayne
    Sacramento - wayne
    Irvine - drake
    San Diego - wayne
    Los Angeles - drake
    Phoenix - drake
    Houston - even

    TinyPenisProductionsSPOILERSaratoga Springs - Wayne
    Hartford - Wayne
    Cincinnati - Wayne
    Detroit - Wayne
    Pittsburgh - Wayne
    New York - Wayne
    Philadelphia - Drake
    Boston - Wayne
    Newark - Wayne
    Virginia Beach - Wayne
    Washington DC - Wayne
    Charlotte - Wayne
    Atlanta - Wayne
    Miami - Wayne
    Tampa - Wayne
    Austin - Drake
    Dallas - Drake
    Denver - Wayne
    Salt Lake City - Drake
    Portland - Wayne
    Seattle - Wayne
    San Francisco -Wayne
    Sacramento - Wayne
    Irvine - Wayne
    San Diego - Wayne
    Los Angeles - Drake
    Phoenix - Wayne
    Houston -Drake
    Last edited by A$AP YAMS; 10-31-2014, 09:16 PM.

  • #2
    SPOILERSaratoga Springs - Wayne
    Hartford - Wayne
    Cincinnati - Wayne
    Detroit - Wayne
    Pittsburgh - Drake
    New York - Wayne
    Philadelphia - Wayne
    Boston - Wayne
    Newark - Wayne
    Virginia Beach - Wayne
    Washington DC - Drake
    Charlotte - Wayne
    Atlanta - Wayne
    Miami - Wayne
    Tampa - Wayne
    Austin - Drake
    Dallas - Wayne
    Denver - Drake
    Salt Lake City - Wayne
    Portland - Wayne
    Seattle - Wayne
    San Francisco -Drake
    Sacramento - Wayne
    Irvine - Wayne
    San Diego - Wayne
    Los Angeles - Wayne
    Phoenix - Wayne
    Houston - Drake

    Why pick on somebody helpless
    If you can't paint a picture on your own, you make a stain on sombody else's


    • #3
      SPOILERSaratoga Springs - Drake
      Hartford - Wayne
      Cincinnati - Drake
      Detroit - Wayne
      Pittsburgh - Drake
      New York - Wayne
      Philadelphia - Wayne
      Boston - Drake
      Newark - Drake
      Virginia Beach - Wayne
      Washington DC - Drake
      Charlotte - Wayne
      Atlanta - Wayne
      Miami - Wayne
      Tampa - Wayne
      Austin - Drake
      Dallas - Drake
      Denver - Wayne
      Salt Lake City - Wayne
      Portland - Drake
      Seattle - Drake
      San Francisco - Wayne
      Sacramento - Drake
      Irvine - Drake
      San Diego - Wayne
      Los Angeles - Wayne
      Phoenix - Drake
      Houston - Wayne


      • #4
        SPOILERSaratoga Springs - Lil Wayne
        Hartford - Drake
        Cincinnati - Lil Wayne
        Detroit - Lil Wayne
        Pittsburgh - Drake
        New York - Lil Wayne
        Philadelphia - Lil Wayne
        Boston - Lil Wayne
        Newark - Lil Wayne
        Virginia Beach - Lil Wayne
        Washington DC - Drake
        Charlotte - Lil Wayne
        Atlanta - Lil Wayne
        Miami - Lil Wayne
        Tampa - Lil Wayne
        Austin - Drake
        Dallas - Lil Wayne
        Denver - Drake
        Salt Lake City - Lil Wayne
        Portland - Lil Wayne
        Seattle - Lil Wayne
        San Francisco -Drake
        Sacramento - Lil Wayne
        Irvine - Lil Wayne
        San Diego - Lil Wayne
        Los Angeles - Lil Wayne
        Phoenix - Drake
        Houston - Drake


        • #5
          what will happen if a Vet win this?
          Originally posted by Shake
          Why so negative all the time???


          • #6
            SPOILERSaratoga Springs - Drake
            Hartford - Drake
            Cincinnati - Wayne
            Detroit - Wayne
            Pittsburgh - Drake
            New York - Drake
            Philadelphia -Wayne
            Boston - Drake
            Newark - Drake
            Virginia Beach - Wayne
            Washington DC - Wayne
            Charlotte - Wayne
            Atlanta - Drake
            Miami - Drake
            Tampa - Wayne
            Austin - Wayne
            Dallas - Wayne
            Denver - Drake
            Salt Lake City - Drake
            Portland - Drake
            Seattle - Wayne
            San Francisco - Drake
            Sacramento - Wayne
            Irvine - Wayne
            San Diego - Wayne
            Los Angeles - Drake
            Phoenix - Drake
            Houston - Wayne


            • #7
              How do you do the spoiler thing?


              • #8
                Originally posted by DesertRose View Post
                How do you do the spoiler thing?
                put [spoiler] tags around your text.

                and good contest OP.


                • #9
                  Saratoga Springs - Drake
                  Hartford - Wayne
                  Cincinnati - Wayne
                  Detroit - Wayne
                  Pittsburgh - Wayne
                  New York - Drake
                  Philadelphia - Wayne
                  Boston - Drake
                  Newark - Drake
                  Virginia Beach - Wayne
                  Washington DC - Drake
                  Charlotte - Wayne
                  Atlanta - Wayne
                  Miami - Wayne
                  Tampa - Wayne
                  Austin - Drake
                  Dallas - Drake
                  Denver - Drake
                  Salt Lake City - Wayne
                  Portland - Drake
                  Seattle - Drake
                  San Francisco - Wayne
                  Sacramento - Drake
                  Irvine - Wayne
                  San Diego - Wayne
                  Los Angeles - Wayne
                  Phoenix - Drake
                  Houston - Wayne
                  Last edited by lil_espo; 08-11-2014, 11:04 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Lil wayne prezident View Post
                    put [spoiler] tags around your text.and good contest OP.
                    Thanks, but I've decided that if I don't even know how to do spoilers and have only been here a month I really don't have any business trying to go Vet.

                    Good luck to the rest of y'all though!


                    • #11
                      SPOILERSaratoga Springs - drake
                      Hartford - drake
                      Cincinnati - wayne
                      Detroit - wayne
                      Pittsburgh - wayne
                      New York - drake
                      Philadelphia -wayne
                      Boston - drake
                      Newark - drake
                      Virginia Beach - drake
                      Washington DC - drake
                      Charlotte - drake
                      Atlanta - wayne
                      Miami - wayne
                      Tampa - wayne
                      Austin - drake
                      Dallas - drake
                      Denver - wayne
                      Salt Lake City -
                      Portland - wayne
                      Seattle - drake
                      San Francisco - wayne
                      Sacramento - drake
                      Irvine - drake
                      San Diego - wayne
                      Los Angeles - wayne
                      Phoenix - wayne
                      Houston -drake


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DesertRose View Post
                        Thanks, but I've decided that if I don't even know how to do spoilers and have only been here a month I really don't have any business trying to go Vet.

                        Good luck to the rest of y'all though!
                        Same with me

                        Good luck everyone

