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General Chat & Entertainment
Anything that doesn't fit in any of the other sections on this forum you can discuss in here, such as gaming, sports, TV, films, etc... just sit back and chill.
Topics: 7,150 Posts: 389,931
7,150 389,931
Music Domain
This section is for discussions on all other types of music and artists. From rap, to pop, to country... whatever floats your boat.
Topics: 4,842 Posts: 162,659
4,842 162,659
Show off and request any graphics work in here! Post your designs including wallpapers, signatures, avatars, mixtape covers, etc.
Topics: 5,004 Posts: 54,108
5,004 54,108
Tha Studio
Share your written raps, songs, poems, lyrics, beats, and mixtapes in here! Also chat about how you create your music and offer feedback to others.
Topics: 5,952 Posts: 55,962
5,952 55,962