Lets see what Wayne's Dentist has to say....
Lil wayne (D'Wayne Carter) sentencing to a year in prison for gun charges was post pone to another date, Which is March the 2ed. The sentencing was moved due cause of a tooth surgery. Mtv interview Wayne's Dentist, And this is what he had to say.
"He probably has a bad tooth, a tooth that's abscessed," Dr. Rudd explained in an interview. "With having all of [gold and diamond material] in his mouth, it's going to be really difficult to get clean because of all of the different crevices. I don't know if they're bridges or if they are all individual. But if it's going to be two weeks [from surgery to recovery], then I don't think he's going to get them all off, because of the potential damage. Without knowing what's exactly there, it's probably decayed and the decay got into the nerve, which causes the nerve to die." (MTV)