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yeah but, what i hate about drake is his beats, idk his producers but if they want the album to be sick they gotta work on some sick beats
i mean i hardly remember that drake was on a song that got a hot beat except for the one produced by kanye "find ur love" he got hot verses usually but aint no hot beats
I got ice in my veins, blood in my eyes
Hate in my heart, love in my mind
I seen nights full of pain, days of the same
You keep the sunshine, save me the rain
I search but never find, hurt but never cry
I work and forever try, but I�m cursed, so never mind
And it�s worse, but better times seem further and beyond
The top gets higher the more that I climb
It has potential to be, imo, one of the greatest albums ever..
I mean if you think of every track Wayne and Drake have created, I almost feel a competition sort of vibe.
Like low-key. They both due certain things, to me, when working together.
Very excited.
No possible way in cold hell would a Wayne-Drake collabo become one of the greatest albums ever.Smh.
Maybe greatest of the year.If you think EVER,you are smoking/sniffing/injecting/eating/drinking some strong shit.I'm sure the album will straight pure flamez but saying greatest ever is going too far.
Wayne and Drake's skills aren't high enough.Drake's flow is the same on nearly every song and Wayne's lyrics aren't really complex 1/2 of the time.Don't get me wrong though,they make great music that I love(no homo) but putting their names together with greatest ever(no pun intended if you get it) is just too early because they have a lot more to prove.
Wayne and Drake's skills aren't high enough.Drake's flow is the same on nearly every song and Wayne's lyrics aren't really complex 1/2 of the time.Don't get me wrong though,they make great music that I love(no homo) but putting their names together with greatest ever(no pun intended if you get it) is just too early because they have a lot more to prove.
Co-Sign. Room For Improvement.
Chicks Get Hammered, Big Dick Bandit, Money Flowing Like A Slit Wrist, No Bandage
Wayne and Drake's skills aren't high enough.Drake's flow is the same on nearly every song and Wayne's lyrics aren't really complex 1/2 of the time.Don't get me wrong though,they make great music that I love(no homo) but putting their names together with greatest ever(no pun intended if you get it) is just too early because they have a lot more to prove.
Wayne and Drake's skills aren't high enough.Drake's flow is the same on nearly every song and Wayne's lyrics aren't really complex 1/2 of the time.Don't get me wrong though,they make great music that I love(no homo) but putting their names together with greatest ever(no pun intended if you get it) is just too early because they have a lot more to prove.
u are stupid.
saying wayne has a lot more to prove is like saying Bill Russel didnt win enough championships lmao...get the fuck outta here you dont know shit about hip hop spir1tualll, and posts like yours above are a disgrace to this site, i would recommend not commenting on a topic you know nothing about.