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Yeah 50s desperate, he NEEDs to start up a buzz using lil wayne becasue he didnt even sell shit with hiw last single "Get up"
notice you are the only person here that knows this song exists, haha, 50 is such a joke; 50 is most likely the officer not ricky ross, i mean its his name: 5-0
Still long hair, don't care like a Navajo
I'm spittin new shit, u shud check it out viewtopic.php?f=12&t=8792
maan this is the same ol' sh*t 50 does before every album, he is washed up-lets give it to him that he had one good album or two ending w/ the massacre. He is acting like a little kid trying to get attention from himself. Wayne got bigger sh*t to deal with, not dumb bs like that.