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i am not a human being went gold

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  • #73
    Re: i am not a human being went gold

    Originally posted by tha_chronic View Post
    Bad selling, lyrically weak...
    No value to any of the songs on there with the exception of Single although that was already out on No Ceilings so people can download that which is also better than IANAHB.

    That's why I firmly believe that they all (even Wayne) thought that these songs were really good and that they would sell well with little promotion. These people are very good with business, also the fact that Universal get a nice cut out of it, so even they thought it would sell or they would have stopped the album coming out. Everyone thought it would sell bigger numbers than it has done.


    • #74
      Re: i am not a human being went gold

      Originally posted by tha_chronic View Post
      in the future people gonna be calling it an album and nobodies gonna care what the details are about whether it was put together or if it was rushed or whatever. It will be one of his studio albums and people will compare it as that.
      The ONLY reason why this is a album is because the length of the CD extended the maximum length for a EP release. People will call this a album because they don't know the entire truth on the background of this "album" I will never considered this a album because 1. Wayne didn't record those tracks for a album, he randomly put them out. 2. It wasn't promoted in a way a proper album should & 3. The only single off the CD was released randomly off Itunes without no knowledge off it even being released.

      Originally posted by 4747 View Post
      Em, Jay-Z, Kanye, Tupac, Biggie, Nelly... Would you like me to keep going with this list of people who out-do Wayne in terms of sales almost every album?
      your talking about the past, Nelly just released a album and it did 40k? lol im talking about the present adjust your estrogen level dude. At the moment no artist you listed can outsell wayne if they put there album out the same day as C4, bottom line.



      • #75
        Re: i am not a human being went gold

        Originally posted by JrockHQ View Post
        The ONLY reason why this is a album is because the length of the CD extended the maximum length for a EP release. People will call this a album because they don't know the entire truth on the background of this "album" I will never considered this a album because 1. Wayne didn't record those tracks for a album, he randomly put them out. 2. It wasn't promoted in a way a proper album should & 3. The only single off the CD was released randomly off Itunes without no knowledge off it even being released.

        your talking about the past, Nelly just released a album and it did 40k? lol im talking about the present adjust your estrogen level dude. At the moment no artist you listed can outsell wayne if they put there album out the same day as C4, bottom line.
        You said "No one can fuck with wayne in terms of sales when he release major studio albums like tha carter series." Therefore what I said is correct. You said when he releases an album LIKE, which means the others as well, so learn what the fuck you're saying before you try to seem smart...

        And you know nothing about C4, just like the rest of us, C4 may be the worst album of this millennium so far for all we know, so Wayne could get shitted on in terms of sales. Get your mouth from around his dick cause I think he's jabbed up into your brain and given you some brain damage.

        Also it's an album, exactly, the length of it as you said makes it one. You may not class it as an album as I've said people won't but like it or not it is an album, those songs are on that album and the album didn't sell. Basically you not classing it as an album if I put that into a different scenario and I got caught selling weed and told the cop that it was shit stuff so it doesn't count, do you think I would get let off? Hell no, it's a fucking album, deal with it.


        • #76
          Re: i am not a human being went gold

          Originally posted by 4747 View Post
          And you know nothing about C4, just like the rest of us, C4 may be the worst album of this millennium so far for all we know, so Wayne could get shitted on in terms of sales.
          Your right, It may also be the best album of this millennium. We don't know yet so... STFU?

          Lol you remind me of a hater, You only mentioned the negative possibility of the album. Haters only talk about the worst of an artist. Why does it have to be the worst album of the millennium (in your opinion) ? just like me you jumped to a conclusion but im the dick rider? lay off the haterade then we can talk. C4 will do BIG numbers bottom line if you agree or don't & INAHB is doing great numbers considering it's situation. You can continue your monthly bitch parade but i'm done because since your what i call a hater your opinion in this conversion is invalid.
          Last edited by JrockHQ; 12-03-2010, 10:05 AM.



          • #77
            Re: i am not a human being went gold

            Originally posted by JrockHQ View Post
            Your right, It may also be the best album of this millennium. We don't know yet so... STFU?

            Lol you remind me of a hater, You only mentioned the negative possibility of the album. Haters only talk about the worst of an artist. Why does it have to be the worst album of the millennium (in your opinion) ? just like me you jumped to a conclusion but im the dick rider? lay off the haterade then we can talk. C4 will do BIG numbers bottom line if you agree of don't & INAHB is doing great numbers considering it's situation. You can continue your monthly bitch parade but i'm done because since your what i call a hater your opinion in this conversion is invalid.
            No I'm not a hater, go read around my posts, I just point things out, if you have 20 people saying IANAHB isn't an album I'll come in and say it is. If people think C4 will be amazing when we know nothing about it I will say the opposite is POSSIBLE.

            Now you've just said it's all opinions yet you've told me C4 will do big numbers, that isn't an opinion. #Dumbass


            • #78
              Re: i am not a human being went gold

              Originally posted by 4747 View Post
              No I'm not a hater, go read around my posts, I just point things out, if you have 20 people saying IANAHB isn't an album I'll come in and say it is. If people think C4 will be amazing when we know nothing about it I will say the opposite is POSSIBLE.

              Now you've just said it's all opinions yet you've told me C4 will do big numbers, that isn't an opinion. #Dumbass
              An opinion may be the result of a person's perspective, understanding, particular feelings, beliefs and desires
              In my opinion C4 will do big numbers, see how easy that was to comprehended? #IgnoranceIsBliss




              • #79
                Re: i am not a human being went gold

                Do you have ANY intelligence whatsoever? You said and I quote; "C4 will do BIG numbers bottom line if you agree or don't" now that may have been your opinion but that was not specified or made clear, therefore what you said was in fact a statement not an opinion. To further that on, the addition of "bottom line" means that if I said that it may not do big numbers, I am incorrect in saying that. You have told me it will, not stated you think it will. Thinking it will is your opinion, saying it will is a statement. You're wrong, but I'm done with you, your intelligence on the English language is horrific plus I don't wanna give the mods loads of shit to delete etc...


                • #80
                  Re: i am not a human being went gold

                  dude jrock back down, you lost this fight


                  • #81
                    Re: i am not a human being went gold

                    Could we stop arguing all the time about how people articulate their sentences, opinions and etc and just get along? And I think C4 will do big numbers because if an album like Rebirth went gold that fast then C4 will do so much better. Im not saying he's going to go platinum in one week but he'll have great sales over a long period time without a doubt.


                    • #82
                      Re: i am not a human being went gold

                      Originally posted by 4747 View Post
                      Do you have ANY intelligence whatsoever? You said and I quote; "C4 will do BIG numbers bottom line if you agree or don't" now that may have been your opinion but that was not specified or made clear, therefore what you said was in fact a statement not an opinion. To further that on, the addition of "bottom line" means that if I said that it may not do big numbers, I am incorrect in saying that. You have told me it will, not stated you think it will. Thinking it will is your opinion, saying it will is a statement. You're wrong, but I'm done with you, your intelligence on the English language is horrific plus I don't wanna give the mods loads of shit to delete etc...
                      C4 is one of the most anticipated albums to date, That along means it will sale. I based my opinion from wayne's previous work (Tha Carter 3) which was the best selling album of 2008. The logic of that will be to compare to his future work. What i said wasn't a statement because there was nothing true or false in my post it was all based on prediction and opinions. your exaggerating with the meaning of "bottom line" I use that phrase whenever i'm done with a topic and or conversation, An opinion cannot be wrong therefor you fail at attempting to turn my opinion into a fact when you already know what i meant by saying C4 will sale regardless.



                      • #83
                        Re: i am not a human being went gold

                        IANAHB was pretty good, C4 will be on another level and I don't really care about the sales, I just want him to sell enough to keep going because his music is my drug.


                        • #84
                          Re: i am not a human being went gold

                          Originally posted by JrockHQ View Post
                          C4 is one of the most anticipated albums to date, That along means it will sale. I based my opinion from wayne's previous work (Tha Carter 3) which was the best selling album of 2008. The logic of that will be to compare to his future work. What i said wasn't a statement because there was nothing true or false in my post it was all based on prediction and opinions. your exaggerating with the meaning of "bottom line" I use that phrase whenever i'm done with a topic and or conversation, An opinion cannot be wrong therefor you fail at attempting to turn my opinion into a fact when you already know what i meant by saying C4 will sale regardless.
                          "your talking about the past, Nelly just released a album and it did 40k? lol im talking about the present adjust your estrogen level dude."

                          You said that and are now comparing an album with 0.01% of information said about it to a PAST album. And to back that up further, Nelly's older albums sold more than his latest 2, therefore the same could happen with C4.

                          Now go re-read my last post directed to you. You didn't express it as an opinion you expressed it as a statement whether it be true or false come the time of C4's release. True or false doesn't come in to it, you just said it will sell big, that's not an opinion, where did you express that as your view? You just said it as it is, yes it may be wrong eventually but it's still a statement not an opinion. Fact/fiction is different to a statement. God damn you are the most retarded cunt I know and yes Wisheezy or Chronic please just warn me, JRock is so fucking stupid I couldn't not insult him any longer...

