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"Nothings promised but a graveyard cant
see myself dyin broke Ray Charles" "Your flow never wet, like grandma pussy, i'm always good, like grandma cookies"
i was gonna make a thread about this but i just posted it on lil wayne rare pictures
it doesnt seem like its red tho looks more black imo. but tbh i think its a pointless tattoo i like hes other face tats better
totally agree with it looks blackk but in a way kinda red haha, and i like his new orleans tat,misunderstood and the crack at the top of his headdd =]
"Nothings promised but a graveyard cant
see myself dyin broke Ray Charles" "Your flow never wet, like grandma pussy, i'm always good, like grandma cookies"
watch weezy cover it upp like game did with covering his butterflyy!!!!
"Nothings promised but a graveyard cant
see myself dyin broke Ray Charles" "Your flow never wet, like grandma pussy, i'm always good, like grandma cookies"