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Lil Wayne and Cory Gunz perform 6'7 on Carson Show!!!! [VIDEO]

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  • #25
    Re: Lil Wayne and Cory Gunz perform 6'7 on Carson Show!!!! [VIDEO]

    Originally posted by Cody View Post
    The performance was sick.
    Were you there or something..

    And shit man his voice on the songs aint even THAT high. And he obviously uses a voice fixer but is it really a big deal? His voice sounds sick as hell.


    • #26
      Re: Lil Wayne and Cory Gunz perform 6'7 on Carson Show!!!! [VIDEO]

      Originally posted by KnockMeOut View Post
      Were you there or something..
      No, just watched the video.


      • #27
        Re: Lil Wayne and Cory Gunz perform 6'7 on Carson Show!!!! [VIDEO]

        On a high engery song like 6 foot 7 foot, and fire flame his high engery flow voice is perfect for those songs, so what ever he uses raises the engery of the song. But on a slow downed song your probably gonna hear wezzy deeper hungry voice.
        Chopper dissect a nigga like science
        Put a end to your world like the Mayans
        Its a celeberation bitches Mazel Tov



        • #28
          Re: Lil Wayne and Cory Gunz perform 6'7 on Carson Show!!!! [VIDEO]

          Originally posted by T-dotClassic View Post
          On a high engery song like 6 foot 7 foot, and fire flame his high engery flow voice is perfect for those songs, so what ever he uses raises the engery of the song. But on a slow downed song your probably gonna hear wezzy deeper hungry voice.
          Yeah exactly.

          Yous are acting like hes soundie Twist or some shit.


          • #29
            Re: Lil Wayne and Cory Gunz perform 6'7 on Carson Show!!!! [VIDEO]

            Originally posted by Skullcandy365.erichq View Post
            still trying to win a losing battle I see.
            Loosing battle? umm his voice sounds the same besides one being a fukkin cellphone recording and a studio track smh. You kids are the worst. Voice fixer...lmao.

            What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.


            • #30
              Re: Lil Wayne and Cory Gunz perform 6'7 on Carson Show!!!! [VIDEO]

              Originally posted by ChrisBLawyer View Post
              Loosing battle? umm his voice sounds the same besides one being a fukkkin cellphone recording and a studio track smh. You kids are the worst
              His voice sounds higher on the track dude.


              • #31
                Re: Lil Wayne and Cory Gunz perform 6'7 on Carson Show!!!! [VIDEO]

                Damn Nice! Props On This. Great Performance...


                • #32
                  Re: Lil Wayne and Cory Gunz perform 6'7 on Carson Show!!!! [VIDEO]

                  Originally posted by ChrisBLawyer View Post
                  Loosing battle? umm his voice sounds the same besides one being a fukkin cellphone recording and a studio track smh. You kids are the worst. Voice fixer...lmao.

                  Either you're just trying to start dumb arguments, or your deaf. Either way, I'm done replying to some stubborn kid. You act like nobody in the music industry uses effects on their voices.


                  • #33
                    Re: Lil Wayne and Cory Gunz perform 6'7 on Carson Show!!!! [VIDEO]

                    I agree w/ Chris... it sounds pretty much the same or it actually sounds worse live

                    anways cool performanc anyone know why the whole YMCMB are in NY? are they doing another show or something


                    • #34
                      Re: Lil Wayne and Cory Gunz perform 6'7 on Carson Show!!!! [VIDEO]

                      Originally posted by Skullcandy365.erichq View Post

                      Either you're just trying to start dumb arguments, or your deaf. Either way, I'm done replying to some stubborn kid. You act like nobody in the music industry uses effects on their voices.
                      This voice fixer thing has yall loooking very dumb..very. But whatever.

                      What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.


                      • #35
                        Re: Lil Wayne and Cory Gunz perform 6'7 on Carson Show!!!! [VIDEO]

                        Originally posted by ChrisBLawyer View Post
                        This voice fixer thing has yall loooking very dumb..very. But whatever.
                        Seriously can you not hear a clear difference?


                        • #36
                          Re: Lil Wayne and Cory Gunz perform 6'7 on Carson Show!!!! [VIDEO]

                          Originally posted by KnockMeOut View Post
                          Seriously can you not hear a clear difference?
                          NO. Check other live performances like the Drake one, thats his voice. Its just clearer on record. But why is it such a big deal? damn enjoy the perfomance.

                          What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.

