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This should be really dope!! Can't wait to see this! An acoustic concert should be pretty cool!
I got Ice in my Veins, Blood in my Eyes/ Hate in my Heart, Love on my Mind/ I seen Nights full of Pain, Days of the Same/ You keep the Sunshine, Save me the Rain!
This is Unplugged: Lil Wayne, not Unplugged: Kanye West.
"Nothings promised but a graveyard cant
see myself dyin broke Ray Charles" "Your flow never wet, like grandma pussy, i'm always good, like grandma cookies"
i'd have to say lady gaga's the best performer alive, considering so much of her money goes back in to her concerts and there's all kinds of crazy shit. i bet you could completely hate lady gaga and have fun watching people flying around in the air. anyway, off topic.
i'd have to say lady gaga's the best performer alive, considering so much of her money goes back in to her concerts and there's all kinds of crazy shit. i bet you could completely hate lady gaga and have fun watching people flying around in the air. anyway, off topic.
She has alot of flash but when it comes down to actual performing, its not that great. shes good tho.
What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.