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VIBE MAGAZINE: 5 reason's we've fallen hard for Lil Wayne's "How to Love"

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  • VIBE MAGAZINE: 5 reason's we've fallen hard for Lil Wayne's "How to Love"

    Love It! 5 Reasons We've Fallen Hard For Lil Wayne's "How To Love" | VIBE

    If you like the "mixtape Weezy"�the guy who spazzed out all over Da Drought 3, Dedication 2, and No Ceilings, ripped DJ Khaled's "We Takin' Over" to pieces, and proclaimed himself the Best Rapper Alive�then there's a pretty good chance you hate Lil Wayne's "How To Love." From the sensitive cooing and the mushy lyrics to the acoustic guitar and remarkably pop sound to the record, "How To Love" is definitely not your typical Birdman, Jr. record. And that makes it really easy to hate on it.

    But we've got some news for you: We actually like it! In fact, we kinda, sorta love it. And we think it's going to do some really big things for Lil Wayne over the course of the next few months. Yeah, yeah�we know what you're thinking right about now: "WHY!?!?!" Well, we've got five reasons why we think "How To Love" was the right choice for Wayne's next single. So sit back, turn it up, and prepare to get hit by Cupid's arrow. 'Cause we get the feeling that once you see things the way we do, you're gonna love "How To Love" soon, too.�Chris Yuscavage

    What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.

  • #2
    Re: VIBE MAGAZINE: 5 reason's we've fallen hard for Lil Wayne's "How to Love"

    If you like the "mixtape Weezy"—the guy who spazzed out all over Da Drought 3, Dedication 2, and No Ceilings, ripped DJ Khaled's "We Takin' Over" to pieces, and proclaimed himself the Best Rapper Alive—then there's a pretty good chance you hate Lil Wayne's "How To Love."
    Kinda How I Feel - I Don't 'Hate' It. But I Don't Like It At All.


    • #3
      Re: VIBE MAGAZINE: 5 reason's we've fallen hard for Lil Wayne's "How to Love"

      Originally posted by WeezYIsCraaazY View Post
      Kinda How I Feel - I Don't 'Hate' It. But I Don't Like It At All.


      • #4
        Re: VIBE MAGAZINE: 5 reason's we've fallen hard for Lil Wayne's "How to Love"

        Reason 1: We heard "6-Foot, 7-Foot" already and know that Lil Wayne can rap his ass off. But we didn't know he could make a song like this.
        Lil Wayne may—or may not be—the Best Rapper Alive (feel free to argue about that amongst yourselves) but after hearing "How To Love" it's hard to argue with that fact that Weezy is easily one of, if not the most versatile artist in the game right now. "How To Love" proves that Wayne is a better overall artist than most of these other rappers out here—and it does it without featuring a single rap lyric. And that's more impressive than (almost!) any punchline Wayne could have thrown at us.

        Reason 2: Whether rap fans want to believe it or not, format killers like "How To Love" make hip-hop look really, really good to people who hate on it.
        Remember all the love that Cee-Lo's "Fuck You" got a few months back? Hell, it got so much love that it was nominated for two of the biggest Grammy Awards of the year back in February. Outside of being good for Cee-Lo, those accolades were also good for hip-hop as a whole because it showcased a different side of the music and had people asking, "Wait, this was done by a rapper?" We fully expect "How To Love" to get that same reaction from everyone from soccer moms to country music fans. It's a genre-bending song that is going to get praise beyond just the hardcore rap set.

        Reason 3: "How To Love" makes us feel good about where Wayne is as a person right now.
        Face it: At some point in the last five years, you thought Lil Wayne had lost his goddamned mind. Maybe it was after he released "Feel Like Dying" and when you were chanting every word to "Pussy Monster" at one of his shows. Maybe it was when he decided to do a rock album and started singing everything in Autotune. Or maybe it was when he admitted to being addicted to syrup and then got sentenced to a year in jail. Whatever the case, "How To Love" features Wayne sounding more clear-headed than we've heard him in years. So you can stop worrying about where his mind is at. It sounds sharper than ever to us.

        Reason 4: Wayne is clearly not getting bored or disinterested when it comes to making music. In fact, it sounds like he's taking more risks than ever.
        Even if you hate "How To Love," you can't hate on the fact that Wayne is pushing himself to be more than just another rapper. Evidently, he's not happy with just making another "6-Foot, 7-Foot" that'll rule the blogs for six hours and then get passed over for the next great freestyle. He wants to make music that gets people talking and pushes the proverbial envelope. He wants to try different things in the studio and experiment. He wants to show off a different side of himself. And that's a trait that few artists still have when they've been in the game for over a decade. It'll benefit him in the long run.

        Reason 5: Now that we've heard Wayne's decidedly pop effort, we know there's plenty of pure rap that'll be left waiting for us on Tha Carter IV.
        If nothing else, the emergence of "How To Love" means that you'll have to sit through one less radio-friendly track when Tha Carter IV finally hits. Just like "Lollipop," "How To Love" alone should be enough to keep Wayne on the FM dial for months to come. Which means he won't have to cater to radio as much on Carter IV. At least, we don't think he will. But as we learned with "How To Love," you never know exactly what to expect from Wayne. And isn't that really what makes him such a great artist in the first place?


        • #5
          Re: VIBE MAGAZINE: 5 reason's we've fallen hard for Lil Wayne's "How to Love"

          I'm a fan of mixtape Weezy, and I like the song.tbh


          • #6
            Re: VIBE MAGAZINE: 5 reason's we've fallen hard for Lil Wayne's "How to Love"

            But as we learned with "How To Love," you never know exactly what to expect from Wayne. And isn't that really what makes him such a great artist in the first place?



            • #7
              Re: VIBE MAGAZINE: 5 reason's we've fallen hard for Lil Wayne's "How to Love"

              lol none of these are valid reasons for me to like this song.. Notice, none of the reasons to like the song are that the song is actually good


              • #8
                Re: VIBE MAGAZINE: 5 reason's we've fallen hard for Lil Wayne's "How to Love"

                Fuck I tought it was a Magazine cover

                ''They say they want the drugs to stop but imma major setback when my album drop''


                • #9
                  Re: VIBE MAGAZINE: 5 reason's we've fallen hard for Lil Wayne's "How to Love"

                  Originally posted by marcusgettin View Post
                  I'm a fan of mixtape Weezy, and I like the song.tbh
                  I am too.

                  -and maybe it's because I luv R&B/Soul etc. too, and therefore I like the mix between my genres. -Just like I like Kells hard bangers too.


                  • #10
                    Re: VIBE MAGAZINE: 5 reason's we've fallen hard for Lil Wayne's "How to Love"

                    Originally posted by ABjerg View Post
                    I am too.

                    -and maybe it's because I luv R&B/Soul etc. too, and therefore I like the mix between my genres. -Just like I like Kells hard bangers too.
                    Yeah man R&b and soul. But I don't fuck with Rk's new shit, his older shit.


                    • #11
                      Re: VIBE MAGAZINE: 5 reason's we've fallen hard for Lil Wayne's "How to Love"

                      Still hate it.


                      • #12
                        Re: VIBE MAGAZINE: 5 reason's we've fallen hard for Lil Wayne's "How to Love"


                        What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.

