Love It! 5 Reasons We've Fallen Hard For Lil Wayne's "How To Love" | VIBE
If you like the "mixtape Weezy"�the guy who spazzed out all over Da Drought 3, Dedication 2, and No Ceilings, ripped DJ Khaled's "We Takin' Over" to pieces, and proclaimed himself the Best Rapper Alive�then there's a pretty good chance you hate Lil Wayne's "How To Love." From the sensitive cooing and the mushy lyrics to the acoustic guitar and remarkably pop sound to the record, "How To Love" is definitely not your typical Birdman, Jr. record. And that makes it really easy to hate on it.
But we've got some news for you: We actually like it! In fact, we kinda, sorta love it. And we think it's going to do some really big things for Lil Wayne over the course of the next few months. Yeah, yeah�we know what you're thinking right about now: "WHY!?!?!" Well, we've got five reasons why we think "How To Love" was the right choice for Wayne's next single. So sit back, turn it up, and prepare to get hit by Cupid's arrow. 'Cause we get the feeling that once you see things the way we do, you're gonna love "How To Love" soon, too.�Chris Yuscavage
But we've got some news for you: We actually like it! In fact, we kinda, sorta love it. And we think it's going to do some really big things for Lil Wayne over the course of the next few months. Yeah, yeah�we know what you're thinking right about now: "WHY!?!?!" Well, we've got five reasons why we think "How To Love" was the right choice for Wayne's next single. So sit back, turn it up, and prepare to get hit by Cupid's arrow. 'Cause we get the feeling that once you see things the way we do, you're gonna love "How To Love" soon, too.�Chris Yuscavage