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... lover.. and we shrinking to a butterfly
pop yourself..
giving CPR.. my sure(?) relationship come alive..
Before you goooooo... Young weez.. h-hollygrove romance.. relation .. T-tell you to chill for a while..
still waiting for MTV to write an article about the tape with DJ Scoob Doo (LOL) or Mack Maine (LOL)
then they announce the date...leaks....release...everybodyfinallyhappy
"Nothings promised but a graveyard cant
see myself dyin broke Ray Charles" "Your flow never wet, like grandma pussy, i'm always good, like grandma cookies"
Re: New Wayne Mixtape Official "Sorry For The Wait"
"...say you love again then change into a butterfly.
Prop yourself and chill back, we can take her up another time
Give you CPR, watch your relationship come alive.
Before you go, it's gon' be
Possible Romance, relationships in the night
Can you just chill for awhile.
Because you came around
And didn't try to hear me out, yeah
And I don't know what that means, to me.
If anything, but I'm wantin' your body bay, aye.
And I don't know what you're tryin' on me.
If you see, different to how I see. (Young Moolah Baby)"
Well fuck that's what I got out of it. Makes no sense but it's clearly a "love" type song.