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VIBE: Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon

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  • VIBE: Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon

    1. Wayne has to make up for the time he lost in prison.

    Last year, Wayne experienced what it would be like to be retired. He sat in a prison cell all day playing cards and listening to the radio while the rest of the world passed him by. If nothing else, that experience should make him not want to retire. Like an athlete who is forced to sit out for a long period of time because of an injury, Wayne got to sit on the sidelines and see what was going on and learn from those things because of his jail time. He should use that time off to his advantage and allow it to give his career extra life, not use it as a reason to retire even earlier than expected.

    2. Wayne has never sounded more clear-headed than he does today.

    The weed is out of Wayne's system. He's not drinking alcohol anymore. And the purple syrup that used to dominate his life is no longer in his hands at all times. As a result, Wayne sounds a lot less out of control than he used to when he raps. It should open the doors to more meaningful lyrics or, at the very least, lyrics that show Wayne's growth as an artist. We've seen what Eminem has done since kicking all of his bad habits. Why wouldn't Wayne want to do the same?

    3. The Young Money record label isn't ready for Wayne to give up his place in the booth for a seat behind a desk.

    Let's be honest with ourselves for a second: We're not buying a Young Twist album or downloading a Gudda Gudda mixtape for the outstanding lyricism displayed by either. We're copping them because of the obligatory Wayne feature and then maybe—maybe!—listening to rest of them because of it. Wayne's labelmates, particularly the ones who aren't established as artists yet, need him to remain active to help their careers. One day, Wayne can retire and eat off them. But for now, he needs to continue to develop and groom them by working alongside them in the studio.

    4. Wayne still hasn't delivered on a lot of the promises he's made to us in the past.

    Yo, Wayne, not for nothing, but where's that Juelz Sanatana collaborative album you promised us? And the one you were supposed to do with T-Pain? And the one with Lloyd? And the one with...oh, you get the point! Tha Carter IV isn't the only thing that the streets have been waiting for. There are also a half-dozen other rumored projects that Wayne's been talking about for years now that need to get recorded. And until Wayne cleans up his unfinished business, we don't expect to see him go anywhere.

    5. Wayne is still only 28!

    Jay-Z, 50 Cent, Eminem, Rick Ross...The list goes on and on and on. These are just a few of the rappers who are older than Wayne right now and still performing at the top of their game. If they can do it, so can Wayne. They have kids. They have businesses. They have lives outside of their music. But they realize that they're part of a rare breed of artists who can sustain longevity in rap and build a legacy that will live on forever. Wayne needs to realize that, too, and get back to doing what he does best: Putting in work!

    Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon | VIBE

  • #2
    Re: VIBE: Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon

    I agree with them. He needs to make up for lost time and put out those collab albums.


    • #3
      Re: VIBE: Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon

      Originally posted by shbasketball12 View Post
      I agree with them. He needs to make up for lost time and put out those collab albums.


      • #4
        Re: VIBE: Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon

        They should send this to Wayne ..

        But I dont i agree with num 2 .. He was better with Drugs
        "Always had a black tool,even when i was at school 'cuz bullies aren't bulletproof..."


        • #5
          Re: VIBE: Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon

          "Wayne sounds a lot less out of control than he used to when he raps."
          Isn't that a bad thing lol?



          • #6
            Re: VIBE: Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon

            Originally posted by Young Mula Baaaby View Post
            "Wayne sounds a lot less out of control than he used to when he raps."
            Isn't that a bad thing lol?
            on Bottles And Rocking J's he sounds all the way out of control


            • #7
              Re: VIBE: Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon

              Originally posted by matbouli View Post
              They should send this to Wayne ..

              But I dont i agree with num 2 .. He was better with Drugs
              I disagree. Drugs are never a positive
              How the hell you aint here to see your prince do his thing?
              Sometimes I wanna drop a tear, but no emotions from a king.


              • #8
                Re: VIBE: Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon

                Originally posted by Young Mula Baaaby View Post
                "Wayne sounds a lot less out of control than he used to when he raps."
                Isn't that a bad thing lol?

                They mean like having stupid verses like love in this cluub remix etc vs something like HHR or B&RJ's

                Having a wild delivery which he still sure as hell does =/= being ouut of control.

                What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.


                • #9
                  Re: VIBE: Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon

                  Originally posted by WaynesWorld2441 View Post
                  I disagree. Drugs are never a positive
                  Marijuana is.


                  • #10
                    Re: VIBE: Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon

                    You guys do realise Wayne was chatting shit when he said that lol? He always's the YMCMB way..Remember when Birdman said C4 and YM album or something were gunna be shipped together? haha. Nah Wayne ain't retiring for a very long time.


                    • #11
                      Re: VIBE: Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon

                      While the game needs Wayne, Wayne will be in the game.
                      When the game doesnt need Wayne, Wayne will retire.
                      It's no lie, no truth. Just a fact!


                      • #12
                        Re: VIBE: Please Don't Go! 5 Reasons Lil Wayne Shouldn't Retire Anytime Soon

                        Reason #6 too much money ain't enough money

