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How is that not true? How does the quality of an image affect a song? Sure it doesn't give it a nice presentation but people crying about the cover are just retarded.
Nah I thought u said a shitty cover means a shitty song...idk wat =/= means?
How the hell you aint here to see your prince do his thing? Sometimes I wanna drop a tear, but no emotions from a king.
Do you guys not understand that Mr Mel is not reliable? Hes just trying to get some E-Fame. Hes not legit so if I were you guys I wouldnt listen to him.
Wow its crazy how mel smith is trying to avoid communication with fans right now tho....he usually has like 5 tweets by this time lol....hasn't tweeted once today smh
if this shit dont come out then ima steal all of cortez's glasses, shove a plaque up Mel smiths ass and idk bout Mack... prolly just shoot him
marley dont shoot em
but for real people, the song will come eventualy, get off the computer complainig and waiting, and go do something....not hating just saying they say its coming than its coming......C4 in 18 days
they say its coming but it never does allways late shit id be pissed if work did that with my wage need new wayne man i member when i first got into wayne a new song would leak/drop ever day or two think its time he forgot about his riches and his mansion and go back to the days of streets of gold