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Imagine your father was a drug addict and it was threatening his life, he even said it feels like death when he's not on it. Then some friend of his says he liked your dad better when he was in that state, how would u feel? lol Some of y'all are selfish as hell. Think bout his kids for a min..
U really want him back on syrup, coke, pills?
I know I dont. He seems a lot more happy and energetic right now.
How the hell you aint here to see your prince do his thing? Sometimes I wanna drop a tear, but no emotions from a king.
I know it's a bit fucked up but a lot of artist's make the best music of their lives on drugs. But drugs are real as fuck and can seriously fuck up people's lives, especially their talents and careers. Sadly it's a gift and a curse, I would never wish for him to take drugs till he dies but seriously his music was mad dope on syrup + weed.