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Lupe Fiasco Aims at Weezy and other artists

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  • #61
    Re: Lupe Fiasco Aims at Weezy and other artists

    Originally posted by andreinstein View Post
    why does he have a soul band behind him and talking about rap albums
    lol idk you can do that when you have a classic album in your discography


    • #62
      Re: Lupe Fiasco Aims at Weezy and other artists

      lu can spit, but lasers was ass and he boring then a bitch.

      lupe the killa! gone. till his next project

      What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.


      • #63
        Re: Lupe Fiasco Aims at Weezy and other artists

        Lupes lyrics >>>
        But his beats straight suck, i cant get into them


        • #64
          Re: Lupe Fiasco Aims at Weezy and other artists

          lol. lupes a cornball.
          food and liquor was cool at first.
          but going to back to listen to that album.
          is a chore. so many stupid songs.
          the real is corny. the instrumental is corny.
          the cool isnt as as great as most people would have you think.
          and all this is from whats supposed to be his classic album.

          the cool was dope tho.

          but enemy of the state.
          is when i thought he lost it.
          he tried to make a wayne tape.
          but all his raps were hollow as shit.
          he was just rambling on with.
          no aim. and no impact.

          lasers was a mess.
          and the one song that hes proud of.
          that all black everything is a cornball joke.
          he thinks hes brilliant for rapping about some alternate timeline shit.
          and making a song out of it. like ehhh. its not that serious.
          and more importantly. its not that good.

          smh. i used to be big on lupe.
          but his whole approach to music is frail as fuck.


          • #65
            Re: Lupe Fiasco Aims at Weezy and other artists

            Originally posted by mode View Post
            lol. lupes a cornball.
            food and liquor was cool at first.
            but going to back to listen to that album.
            is a chore. so many stupid songs.
            the real is corny. the instrumental is corny.
            the cool isnt as as great as most people would have you think.
            and all this is from whats supposed to be his classic album.

            the cool was dope tho.

            but enemy of the state.
            is when i thought he lost it.
            he tried to make a wayne tape.
            but all his raps were hollow as shit.
            he was just rambling on with.
            no aim. and no impact.

            lasers was a mess.
            and the one song that hes proud of.
            that all black everything is a cornball joke.
            he thinks hes brilliant for rapping about some alternate timeline shit.
            and making a song out of it. like ehhh. its not that serious.
            and more importantly. its not that good.

            smh. i used to be big on lupe.
            but his whole approach to music is frail as fuck.
            Haha, You've Joined A Wayne Site, So I'm Assuming That You're A Fan.

            1.) - You Say That He Has No Aim. What Do You Call 50-75% Of Wayne's Raps?
            2.) - No Impact? - Only A Hand Full Of Wayne Songs Do That.
            3.) - All This 'Cornball' Fixation... Listen To Some Of Wayne's Lyrics... Some Are Corny Ass Fuck.

            Not Saying Wayne Is Bad, Or That Those Are Bad Things... Just That: He Can't Say Those Things About Lupe, And Not Feel The Same About Wayne.


            • #66
              Re: Lupe Fiasco Aims at Weezy and other artists

              Lupe is pretty dope tbh. Cant diss him


              --[<]--[<]--[<]--Truk Da Wur!!--[>]--[>]--[>]--


              • #67
                Re: Lupe Fiasco Aims at Weezy and other artists

                This made me laugh. Lupe Fiasco hasn't been a "good" rapper in a long time now. He's pretty much like Wayne to be honest; used to be good but now he's not that good. As long as he remains signed to Atlantic Records, he will continue to be a shitty rapper. I don't know what the fuck he was doing on Lasers, but that album was weak. But he admitted that Atlantic Records told him "not to go too hard" on the Lasers Album. Atlantic Records is well-known for "brainwashing" their artists and turning them into shit artists. So until he leaves Atlantic, he really can't call him self the best rapper lol.

                Plus I loved it when Hopsin dissed him.


                • #68
                  Re: Lupe Fiasco Aims at Weezy and other artists

                  Originally posted by Lil_Tunechi View Post
                  This made me laugh. Lupe Fiasco hasn't been a "good" rapper in a long time now. He's pretty much like Wayne to be honest; used to be good but now he's not that good. As long as he remains signed to Atlantic Records, he will continue to be a shitty rapper. I don't know what the fuck he was doing on Lasers, but that album was weak. But he admitted that Atlantic Records told him "not to go too hard" on the Lasers Album. Atlantic Records is well-known for "brainwashing" their artists and turning them into shit artists. So until he leaves Atlantic, he really can't call him self the best rapper lol.

                  He Said That He'll Be Back For F&L II.


                  • #69
                    Re: Lupe Fiasco Aims at Weezy and other artists

                    theres a difference.

                    what wayne does is a free wheeling.
                    stream of consciousness type of thing.
                    and what you get is this off the wall.
                    abstract. if not absurd style of rap.
                    in that. hes getting idea after idea out.
                    or an image. back when wayne was in his simile prime.
                    those lines werent there. just to be punchlines.
                    it was make whatever he was thinking.
                    that much clearer. i think of the upgrade you freestyle.
                    all those similes were describing an idea in his head.

                    thats an aim. thats a focus.

                    what lupe did on enemy of the state.
                    was write bars that just rhyme.
                    after bar that just rhyme.
                    just so that it could make a rap.

                    and thats what he wanted to do.
                    it was a purposely short tape. to do just that.

                    and a tape of flat raps. doesnt make an impact.
                    it isnt about positive or negative impact. but something.
                    having to do with weight of the performance.

                    when you listen to fly in carter fly out.
                    it has an impact. or scarface. or ambitions as a ridah rap.
                    it has impact cos those are great raps.
                    that mean something just because of a great rap performance.

                    and as for as the whole cornball thing.
                    its not really a lyric thing. they both have their share.
                    of corny lyrics. but this is a nigga. that sent lawyers to a fans house.
                    because they downloaded one of his songs. this is a dude.
                    that bitches about making music. like its not his.
                    livelihood. enemy of the state. was supposed to be a two part series.
                    but he cancelled friend of the people. because people were leaking his songs.


                    like bruh. you do this everyday. you make money from shows.
                    what do you really lose by making free music? and this is the same free music.
                    that would have no label obligations to which youre oh so opposed.

                    those are cornball antics.
                    and this before we start talking about.
                    the whole lasers debacle.


                    • #70
                      Re: Lupe Fiasco Aims at Weezy and other artists

                      Originally posted by mode View Post
                      theres a difference.

                      what wayne does is a free wheeling.
                      stream of consciousness type of thing.
                      and what you get is this off the wall.
                      abstract. if not absurd style of rap.
                      in that. hes getting idea after idea out.
                      or an image. back when wayne was in his simile prime.
                      those lines werent there. just to be punchlines.
                      it was make whatever he was thinking.
                      that much clearer. i think of the upgrade you freestyle.
                      all those similes were describing an idea in his head.

                      thats an aim. thats a focus.

                      what lupe did on enemy of the state.
                      was write bars that just rhyme.
                      after bar that just rhyme.
                      just so that it could make a rap.

                      and thats what he wanted to do.
                      it was a purposely short tape. to do just that.

                      and a tape of flat raps. doesnt make an impact.
                      it isnt about positive or negative impact. but something.
                      having to do with weight of the performance.

                      when you listen to fly in carter fly out.
                      it has an impact. or scarface. or ambitions as a ridah rap.
                      it has impact cos those are great raps.
                      that mean something just because of a great rap performance.

                      and as for as the whole cornball thing.
                      its not really a lyric thing. they both have their share.
                      of corny lyrics. but this is a nigga. that sent lawyers to a fans house.
                      because they downloaded one of his songs. this is a dude.
                      that bitches about making music. like its not his.
                      livelihood. enemy of the state. was supposed to be a two part series.
                      but he cancelled friend of the people. because people were leaking his songs.


                      like bruh. you do this everyday. you make money from shows.
                      what do you really lose by making free music? and this is the same free music.
                      that would have no label obligations to which youre oh so opposed.

                      those are cornball antics.
                      and this before we start talking about.
                      the whole lasers debacle.
                      Lupe Is One Of The Most Anti Generic Rappers Out There (Mixtapes) - Never, Have I Seen Another Artist Make Songs Like Theme Music To Drive By & Super Lupe Rap Ect...

                      I Admit, When His Projects Aren't Good, They're Pretty Awful.

                      In My Opinion, Lupe Still Has A Chance To Make Greatness (F&L II) - But, I Don't Think Wayne Will Again.


                      • #71
                        Re: Lupe Fiasco Aims at Weezy and other artists

                        and the whole f and l two thing.
                        is bullshit too. if youve followed lupe.
                        from the beginning. you know that was.
                        food and liquor. the cool. and what was supposed.
                        to be a triple album. called lupend. that was never going to happen.
                        so he was going to drop those three by themselves.

                        then he gets into a label war over lasers.
                        that he ends up losing. even though he couldve.
                        went the mixtape route. and made all the music.
                        that he wants to make. that way. and not.
                        worry about the label. and recoup.
                        the studio sessions on the road.
                        but nah. that didnt happen.

                        so lasers comes out.
                        and its garbage. and poppy garbage.
                        at that. and noww. out of nowhere.
                        theres supposed to be food and liquor two?
                        which is going to be an obvious grab for the authenticity.
                        that he had before lasers. and then by making it a part two.
                        its riding the wave of all the series albums. that have.
                        been coming out as of late. the carters. the blueprints.
                        the cuban linx. the man on the moons.

                        buts its bullshit. there was never any intention.
                        for a part two. if you listen to food and liquor it stands alone.

                        its just atlantic pulling strings again. except this time.
                        maybe we get the real lupe. whatever that is.


                        • #72
                          Re: Lupe Fiasco Aims at Weezy and other artists

                          Originally posted by mode View Post
                          theres a difference.

                          what wayne does is a free wheeling.
                          stream of consciousness type of thing.
                          and what you get is this off the wall.
                          abstract. if not absurd style of rap.
                          in that. hes getting idea after idea out.
                          or an image. back when wayne was in his simile prime.
                          those lines werent there. just to be punchlines.
                          it was make whatever he was thinking.
                          that much clearer. i think of the upgrade you freestyle.
                          all those similes were describing an idea in his head.

                          thats an aim. thats a focus.

                          what lupe did on enemy of the state.
                          was write bars that just rhyme.
                          after bar that just rhyme.
                          just so that it could make a rap.

                          and thats what he wanted to do.
                          it was a purposely short tape. to do just that.

                          and a tape of flat raps. doesnt make an impact.
                          it isnt about positive or negative impact. but something.
                          having to do with weight of the performance.

                          when you listen to fly in carter fly out.
                          it has an impact. or scarface. or ambitions as a ridah rap.
                          it has impact cos those are great raps.
                          that mean something just because of a great rap performance.

                          and as for as the whole cornball thing.
                          its not really a lyric thing. they both have their share.
                          of corny lyrics. but this is a nigga. that sent lawyers to a fans house.
                          because they downloaded one of his songs. this is a dude.
                          that bitches about making music. like its not his.
                          livelihood. enemy of the state. was supposed to be a two part series.
                          but he cancelled friend of the people. because people were leaking his songs.


                          like bruh. you do this everyday. you make money from shows.
                          what do you really lose by making free music? and this is the same free music.
                          that would have no label obligations to which youre oh so opposed.

                          those are cornball antics.
                          and this before we start talking about.
                          the whole lasers debacle.
                          I HATE YOUR GRAMMAR

                          whats with the unnecessary periods bruh?

