As far as that retirement goes, I don't know what he's talking about, YM President Mack Maine told I'm not trying to hear that? I mean technically he can. We paved the way where Young Money the brand is gonna be so big. And he?s done so much where he can just tour. But I know his love and passion for the music?. I also know he has love and passion for his kids and family and he sacrificed a lot of this life we living. So at 30, if he says he wants to hang it up and be a family and a businessman, I wouldn?t be mad at it. He?ll be like 18, 19 close to 20 years in the game. And have put out that many albums. He?ll be a vet at a young age. It?s not like we're gonna need to put out albums, it's just the passion. Can you walk away from it?