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Ice T Throwin Shots At Lil Wayne And Rick Ross?

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  • #37
    Originally posted by wolverinebball11 View Post
    Apparently you missed that the gun was in his bus, regardless of whose it was, so the line is still true. He said he got a chopper in the car, not my chopper in the car.
    U dumb azz fuck stfu... Shoulda said Tez got a choppa in Tha car.... U like fake shit so me and u can't conversate ur dismissed


    • #38
      Re: Ice T Throwin Shots At Lil Wayne And Rick Ross?

      You know wats funny, all you bitch ass white boys and half ass niggas on here always talk about rap is fake and these niggaz aint really doin wat they rap about. what would yall lame asses knw about rap other than the beat or it sounds good, have you eva lived in da hood or grew up doin some of the things these rappers talk about? NO. you sit at home while mom cooks breakfast lunch and dinner, go to school and live a safe pussy life. i grew up in da hood, where real shit happens everyday. mufuckas get shot, robbed, beat the fuck up, go to jail, sell coke, weed, heroin and all dat shit on a daily basis. You dnt knw what the fuck these rappers did and grew up around, why you think they talk about that type of shit all the time? Wayne from Holigrove,new orleans, murder capitol. kids carry guns out there at age 9 you dumb-fucks. he's clearly from dat type of life-style. rick ross is from miami, coke capitol, where niggaz kill each other every dam day, and you would question his street credibility. have either one of yall lived that life or even seen that type of shit go on in your lil surburban ass neighborhoods? so if you dnt know shit about it, how camn you possibly tell where wayne or rozay comin from in their verses. Have you lived with rick ross or wayne as they were growin up? Fuck no. so who da fuck are you to say wats real and wats not, your a fuckin spectator. So go back to your safe lives and listen to your cd's that you will never understand, which is why half of yall always wonderin what wayne meant by this or that in his lyrics. I understand easily what he sayin, i'm from it. go da fuck to school and live life, cause where i'm from you have to tell a mufucka to their face if there real or not so he can beat yo fuckin face in, not on da internet safe behind a dam computer with no proof of shit, just dumb ass opinions.


      • #39
        Originally posted by jreed View Post
        Ok, tell ice-t to run up on wayne or rick ross car and see then. Dat nigga rick ros from miami, they known fuh carryin choppers and wayne just came home from a gun case, fuck outta here. these niggaz is really about what they rap about, not all of em, but wayne and ross fuh sho.

        ---------- Post added at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------

        i'm glad you told dis goofy ass dude the difference. these rappers have a lot to protect, you think they gone get caught slippin and it's niggas out here robbin rappers, runnin on stage snatchin chains and shit. Of course wayne and rick ross got guns, run up on em and then talk dat wreckless shit, so they can send dat hot shit thru yo dumb ass.

        ---------- Post added at 02:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 PM ----------

        if rick ross and wayne fake, den run up on em and call em fake. if anything bitch ass nigga, you fake, for even tryna determine anotha nigga credibility when you dont even knw them. you eva been to holigrove or miami. yo ass prolly would piss on yoself if u even entered new orleans, da lil niggaz would have yo hoe ass spooked. so dnt speak on a mufucka you never met, until you check lil wayne or rick ross, u just runnin yo mouth pussy
        Umm even real gangstas discredit other niggaz wat is u sayin ? That's all they do

        ---------- Post added at 03:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 PM ----------

        Originally posted by WeezyRAGE View Post
        The line is "I got a chopper in the car" not "I got a chopper in the car, and I also have it registered in my name so I legally own it"
        Wat ?


        • #40
          Re: Ice T Throwin Shots At Lil Wayne And Rick Ross?

          Lol, I get Ice T and Kid from Kid & Play mixed up sometimes.


          • #41
            Re: Ice T Throwin Shots At Lil Wayne And Rick Ross?

            Originally posted by jreed View Post
            You know wats funny, all you bitch ass white boys and half ass niggas on here always talk about rap is fake and these niggaz aint really doin wat they rap about. what would yall lame asses knw about rap other than the beat or it sounds good, have you eva lived in da hood or grew up doin some of the things these rappers talk about? NO. you sit at home while mom cooks breakfast lunch and dinner, go to school and live a safe pussy life. i grew up in da hood, where real shit happens everyday. mufuckas get shot, robbed, beat the fuck up, go to jail, sell coke, weed, heroin and all dat shit on a daily basis. You dnt knw what the fuck these rappers did and grew up around, why you think they talk about that type of shit all the time? Wayne from Holigrove,new orleans, murder capitol. kids carry guns out there at age 9 you dumb-fucks. he's clearly from dat type of life-style. rick ross is from miami, coke capitol, where niggaz kill each other every dam day, and you would question his street credibility. have either one of yall lived that life or even seen that type of shit go on in your lil surburban ass neighborhoods? so if you dnt know shit about it, how camn you possibly tell where wayne or rozay comin from in their verses. Have you lived with rick ross or wayne as they were growin up? Fuck no. so who da fuck are you to say wats real and wats not, your a fuckin spectator. So go back to your safe lives and listen to your cd's that you will never understand, which is why half of yall always wonderin what wayne meant by this or that in his lyrics. I understand easily what he sayin, i'm from it. go da fuck to school and live life, cause where i'm from you have to tell a mufucka to their face if there real or not so he can beat yo fuckin face in, not on da internet safe behind a dam computer with no proof of shit, just dumb ass opinions.
            O shit it's the "real Nigga" gtfo


            • #42
              Re: Ice T Throwin Shots At Lil Wayne And Rick Ross?

              you guys are retarded and so is ice t. its MUSIC! music is entertainment,not a life story. artists can say anythin on their records,its their music. if they did an interview about their lives,then yes u can question their credibility,but come on u think wayne really kills niggas everyday? he himself said in an interview that he never killed a person. smh at u fools...enjoyy tha music ,theres a reason their called artists.


              • #43
                Re: Ice T Throwin Shots At Lil Wayne And Rick Ross?

                By the way, tell me one song where wayne says he has killed someone as opposed to sayin what he will do. it's a dam difference.


                • #44
                  Re: Ice T Throwin Shots At Lil Wayne And Rick Ross?

                  Waynes not a killer. i can say ive wanted to kill alot of people too,stop taking everythin he says so seriously


                  • #45
                    Re: Ice T Throwin Shots At Lil Wayne And Rick Ross?

                    Originally posted by jreed View Post
                    You know wats funny, all you bitch ass white boys and half ass niggas on here always talk about rap is fake and these niggaz aint really doin wat they rap about. what would yall lame asses knw about rap other than the beat or it sounds good, have you eva lived in da hood or grew up doin some of the things these rappers talk about? NO. you sit at home while mom cooks breakfast lunch and dinner, go to school and live a safe pussy life. i grew up in da hood, where real shit happens everyday. mufuckas get shot, robbed, beat the fuck up, go to jail, sell coke, weed, heroin and all dat shit on a daily basis. You dnt knw what the fuck these rappers did and grew up around, why you think they talk about that type of shit all the time? Wayne from Holigrove,new orleans, murder capitol. kids carry guns out there at age 9 you dumb-fucks. he's clearly from dat type of life-style. rick ross is from miami, coke capitol, where niggaz kill each other every dam day, and you would question his street credibility. have either one of yall lived that life or even seen that type of shit go on in your lil surburban ass neighborhoods? so if you dnt know shit about it, how camn you possibly tell where wayne or rozay comin from in their verses. Have you lived with rick ross or wayne as they were growin up? Fuck no. so who da fuck are you to say wats real and wats not, your a fuckin spectator. So go back to your safe lives and listen to your cd's that you will never understand, which is why half of yall always wonderin what wayne meant by this or that in his lyrics. I understand easily what he sayin, i'm from it. go da fuck to school and live life, cause where i'm from you have to tell a mufucka to their face if there real or not so he can beat yo fuckin face in, not on da internet safe behind a dam computer with no proof of shit, just dumb ass opinions.
                    That's a long ass post lol
                    Won't read it tho


                    • #46
                      Re: Ice T Throwin Shots At Lil Wayne And Rick Ross?

                      Originally posted by BrewCityYM View Post
                      U dumb azz fuck stfu... Shoulda said Tez got a choppa in Tha car.... U like fake shit so me and u can't conversate ur dismissed
                      I don't think you're allowed to dismiss me from anything lol....

                      I guess if you really want Wayne to be "real" he should've said "I got a choppa in the tour bus," but basically same thing.

                      "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


                      • #47
                        Re: Ice T Throwin Shots At Lil Wayne And Rick Ross?

                        Originally posted by jreed View Post
                        You know wats funny, all you bitch ass white boys and half ass niggas on here always talk about rap is fake and these niggaz aint really doin wat they rap about. what would yall lame asses knw about rap other than the beat or it sounds good, have you eva lived in da hood or grew up doin some of the things these rappers talk about? NO. you sit at home while mom cooks breakfast lunch and dinner, go to school and live a safe pussy life. i grew up in da hood, where real shit happens everyday. mufuckas get shot, robbed, beat the fuck up, go to jail, sell coke, weed, heroin and all dat shit on a daily basis. You dnt knw what the fuck these rappers did and grew up around, why you think they talk about that type of shit all the time? Wayne from Holigrove,new orleans, murder capitol. kids carry guns out there at age 9 you dumb-fucks. he's clearly from dat type of life-style. rick ross is from miami, coke capitol, where niggaz kill each other every dam day, and you would question his street credibility. have either one of yall lived that life or even seen that type of shit go on in your lil surburban ass neighborhoods? so if you dnt know shit about it, how camn you possibly tell where wayne or rozay comin from in their verses. Have you lived with rick ross or wayne as they were growin up? Fuck no. so who da fuck are you to say wats real and wats not, your a fuckin spectator. So go back to your safe lives and listen to your cd's that you will never understand, which is why half of yall always wonderin what wayne meant by this or that in his lyrics. I understand easily what he sayin, i'm from it. go da fuck to school and live life, cause where i'm from you have to tell a mufucka to their face if there real or not so he can beat yo fuckin face in, not on da internet safe behind a dam computer with no proof of shit, just dumb ass opinions.
                        You can tell if someone is white or not by reading text?


                        • #48
                          Re: Ice T Throwin Shots At Lil Wayne And Rick Ross?

                          Originally posted by BrewCityYM View Post
                          Umm even real gangstas discredit other niggaz wat is u sayin ? That's all they do

                          ---------- Post added at 03:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 PM ----------

                          Wat ?
                          It doesnt matter who the hell gun it belonged to. The line chopper in the car is still true. So it doesnt matter how many times you say, "It was tez gun" that line would still be true.

                          Originally posted by jreed View Post
                          cause where i'm from you have to tell a mufucka to their face if there real or not so he can beat yo fuckin face in, not on da internet safe behind a dam computer with no proof of shit, just dumb ass opinions.
                          lol you remind me of Kevin Hart
                          Last edited by WeezyRAGE; 09-15-2011, 06:58 PM.

