Hey guys, i'm sure you've heard from lil waynes twitter that he's on vacation now well i know the place hes staying at! hes staying at the amanyara in the turks and caicos islands! i know this is not very exciting news for a lot of you but it is to me because this is where i live
. my friends work in the airport here and in the resort which he is staying (the most exclusive branch in the world) and someone snapped a picture of him stepping off the jet. its circulating round on bbm right now and if i can get it i will post it here for you guys but i just thought id let you know. i know a lot of you may not believe me but i have no reason to lie, everyone's status on facebook down here is about lil wayne being on island haha. usually i don't share this info but i was so uneblievably excited when i first heard the news you have no idea. anyways just thought id share this info.
