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"I Am Not A Human Being II" are finished and will drop before this summer!
Re: "I Am Not A Human Being II" are finished and will drop before this summer!
Erick doesn't have any unreleased music by Wayne end of discussion!
"Nothings promised but a graveyard cant
see myself dyin broke Ray Charles" "Your flow never wet, like grandma pussy, i'm always good, like grandma cookies"
Sportz is mad as hell tho. Its okay John. Let him be mad, then when this song drops, watch him go "Oh wow, Eric was right." I really can't believe I made an account on this shitty site just to say that. lol.
Sportz is mad as hell tho. Its okay John. Let him be mad, then when this song drops, watch him go "Oh wow, Eric was right." I really can't believe I made an account on this shitty site just to say that. lol.
I will never glorify your stubborn ass. You refuse to release H.A.M. HiiPower, and Go N Get It. Wayne has over 5000 unreleased tracks and the fact that you supposedly have some of them and choose not to release them defiles his greatness. We will never see those tracks; they will remain on his iPad for eternity. You are the only opportunity for those tracks to see the light of day, and you refuse to let them enter their rightful chamber. They were made to be shown to the world and since Wayne refuses to do so, you seem to be the only one that can do so, yet you refuse. It is extremely upsetting to me, and it is extremely upsetting to others. Wayne is our favorite artist. Some of us have grown up with him and spent years of our lives idolizing his music, and the fact that you are holding some songs away from us that could possibly be amazing debases the foundation of music and art as a whole.
I will never glorify your stubborn ass. You refuse to release H.A.M. HiiPower, and Go N Get It. Wayne has over 5000 unreleased tracks and the fact that you supposedly have some of them and choose not to release them defiles his greatness. We will never see those tracks; they will remain on his iPad for eternity. You are the only opportunity for those tracks to see the light of day, and you refuse to let them enter their rightful chamber. They were made to be shown to the world and since Wayne refuses to do so, you seem to be the only one that can do so, yet you refuse. It is extremely upsetting to me, and it is extremely upsetting to others. Wayne is our favorite artist. Some of us have grown up with him and spent years of our lives idolizing his music, and the fact that you are holding some songs away from us that could possibly be amazing debases the foundation of music and art as a whole.
I respect what you wrote... but if thats how you feel, then stop bothering Mr. Phil & Diebolt.
I respect what you wrote... but if thats how you feel, then stop bothering Mr. Phil & Diebolt.
Maybe you are not understanding the gravity of my post. One of the main purposes of music is that it is to be shared with the world. By you refusing to share songs that will never be shared in any other way, you are hurting the past, present, and future of music. You are hurting Tupac Shakur, The Notorious B.I.G., Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, the rest of the musical superstars of the past, the superstars from the present, and the superstars of the future. The fact that you refuse to release these tracks is going to affect the next Michael Jackson and the next Tupac Shakur. You are undermining the core values of art - the values that have been in place since the first humans set foot on this planet - and it is a shame. It is a damn shame.
Maybe you are not understanding the gravity of my post. One of the main purposes of music is to be shared with the world. By you refusing to share songs that you will never be shared in any other way, you are hurting the past, present, and future of music. You are hurting Tupac Shakur, The Notorious B.I.G., Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, the rest of the musical superstars of the past, the superstars from the present, and the superstars of the future. The fact that you refuse to release these tracks is going to affect the next Michael Jackson and the next Tupac Shakur. You are undermining the core values of art - the values that have been in place since the first humans set forth on this planet - and it is a shame. It is a damn shame.
No I'm really not hurting anyone. There is a reason why they haven't been released & thats why they remain unreleased.
At the very least, it will keep this forum free from trolling for at least 2 mins.
What do you have against trolling?? u know dat no matter how much u ether me I ain't gon pack my liverpostei down with the rest of my wisdom items and roll up to himalya to eat chocholate instead of meat bones and watch clouds instead of LWHQ and crazy people in town, but I actually wouldn't mind it too much cause Birdman could be in the clouds there learning bird puppys to fly like Birdman daddy that is number one and got money like 10 mores times nigga brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
imma go now, belee dat.
edit: and mr. sportz is madder than people dat are mad at Birdman daddy [#1], Nicki Minaj [Big booty bitz] & Weezy bebi [kool ass krazy a$$ dud3]
''They say they want the drugs to stop but imma major setback when my album drop''
Its Eric dumb ass & with that... quit dick riding me on twitter.
If you had it you would drop it,plus if you had it and everyone is saying you dont why you getting all offensive shows your insecure about truly not having it so you feel the need to say oh stop dickriding, oh just wait till it drops,listen Erick i dont give a flying shit who you are just because you have a blog doesnt mean your a God your a regular individual like everyone else!!
"Nothings promised but a graveyard cant
see myself dyin broke Ray Charles" "Your flow never wet, like grandma pussy, i'm always good, like grandma cookies"
Re: "I Am Not A Human Being II" are finished and will drop before this summer!
I'm not sure this is the real Eric tbh. TyIquan and ItzAzaa magically disappeared. Furthermore, on Twitter, Eric just tweeted that he is almost done his Lil Wayne article; how did it get done if he's been reading and responding on here?