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I just wish one of these days, Wayne would lose the piercings, walk in the screen with some tims on, baggy jeans and a tall tee with his dreads down or some shit.
I just wish one of these days, Wayne would lose the piercings, walk in the screen with some tims on, baggy jeans and a tall tee with his dreads down or some shit.
I just wish one of these days, Wayne would lose the piercings, walk in the screen with some tims on, baggy jeans and a tall tee with his dreads down or some shit.
But song is sick as fuck.
V neck with some fitted pants and some vans would be dope good old swagged out wayne
"Nothings promised but a graveyard cant
see myself dyin broke Ray Charles" "Your flow never wet, like grandma pussy, i'm always good, like grandma cookies"
I just wish one of these days, Wayne would lose the piercings, walk in the screen with some tims on, baggy jeans and a tall tee with his dreads down or some shit.