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I am not too sure myself. On the most random hip hop songs, you will find thirsty YT commentors posting a joke about Wayne's skills just to get top comment.
LOL i swear, dem niggas be fiendin for that top comment. I neg them lame ass niggas
Always. Every song on WAYM is about the same topics.
Not a member of KTT and don't want to be either. And am certainly not saying that WAYM is better than CS either. But going as far as saying that everysong on there is individually better than steadymobbin is just bullshit, IMO.
And what I said about Wayne being a better rapper than anyone on GOOD is true. I know this probably wouldnt slide there... they probably think Kanye is better. lol.
First off, I agree with you on the Cruel Summer wasn't consistent part, but WAYM was nowhere near consistent. It was a Lil Wayne feat. Young Money, Birdman & Lloyd album. The songs on CS were all good, but didn't flow together properly and didn't let all the artists do their thang on it. And CS had wayyyyyyyy bigger & better hits on it, Mercy New God Flow & Clique shits on BedRock, Every Girl & Roger That.
And finally
To The World >>>>>>>> Everything on WAYM
Clique >>>>>>>> Everything on WAYM
Mercy >>>>>>>> Everything on WAYM
New God Flow >>>>>>>> Everything on WAYM
The Morning >>>>>>>> Everything on WAYM
Cold >>>>>>>> Everything on WAYM Higher >>>>>>>> Everything on WAYM
Sin City >>>>>>>> Everything on WAYM The One >>>>>>>> Everything on WAYM Creepers >>>>>>>> Everything on WAYM Bliss >>>>>>>> Everything on WAYM
Don't Like >>>>>>>> Everything on WAYM
Are you that much of an idiot that you're comparing one album from GOOD music to Kanye's discography? You're a dumb faggot kid lol. Go back to hoping "Weezy" will return, I'll be here bumping the fuck outta Tunechi.