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track is kinda retarded.... but for some reason I like it
and she be like hell yeah,hell yeah, hell yeah... cause i fuck her right
I can see why it is a cast-off and it would have been nice to get at least one real verse instead of a song full of chorus, but a worthy tune to play with the windows open on a long road trip at night.
Seeing these replies reminded me of why he sells so much, coz of dickriders like some of yall who endorse every bullshit he puts out smh
Syrup, percocet, and an eighth a day will leave you broke, depressed, and emotionally vacant
Despite how Lil' Wayne lives
It's not conducive to being creative
And I know cause he's my favorite
And I know cause I was off that same mix
Rationalize the shit that I'd try after I listen to "Dedication"
But he's an alien
I'd sip that shit
Pass out or play PlayStation.
Favorite post-jail Wayne song. There's something special bout this one.
Just like what Wayne said about ianah2, its love it or hate it...
not one truckfit line
and how bout that "she kinda green but I'm color blind"...I like the lyrics.
Also the part about her letting her hair get wet is because she's not a nappy headed hoe. I love that line. Yall are just virgins who have never showered with a female...
This song is Bad real bad whats with you weezy fans you just gonna settle for waynes sexual fantasys\realitys day in day out or do you want some metaphors and dope lines. we were asking for waynes hunger wheres all of your hunger gone shittt no wonder wayne doesnt put effort anymore