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I am willing to bet it wasnt an artist who did that... he must have done this one himself. I kinda like it though, it matches his "i dont give a fuck" personality.
Juniayaa is on a mission right now../ YMCMB fla$hing life$tyle.../ we higher & shine than whoever.
I am willing to bet it wasnt an artist who did that... he must have done this one himself. I kinda like it though, it matches his "i dont give a fuck" personality.
I am willing to bet it wasnt an artist who did that... he must have done this one himself. I kinda like it though, it matches his "i dont give a fuck" personality.
True that man, thats why we all like weezy's personality his "i dont give a fuck" attidute suits him haha
LOL at those who say you can't look at him the same or you can't take him seriously anymore. He's LIL WAYNE. How the fuck does one weird tattoo on his face make you say that but the rest of the face tattoos dont?
Regarding the tattoo; I don't even care tbh. I think it's funny. And yes it's def the BAKED thing that skaters have on their boards I've seen it before.
i always respected you for everything you did, but THIS exceeds all my expectations
you are a 30 years old father and not a 15 year teenager, wtf did you just thought..
i always respected you for everything you did, but THIS exceeds all my expectations
you are a 30 years old father and not a 15 year teenager, wtf did you just thought..
im pretty sure he thought: i wanna get "BAKED" tattoed on my face.