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Lil Wayne In CRITICAL Condition After More Seizures. Induced Coma...
I think this may have been the worse one, and obviously if your his friend or on his label, and your hear is in hospital your going to go visit him.
But what tmz reported, being in a coma, and tubes to help him breathe, I think is false.
doesn't matter if it's the worst one or not, why didn't his friends or people on his label not visit him the last timew he had seizures but this time, he gets another seizure and basically everyone in his camp books flights and shit to see him. Seems like it's very bad.
That's because freaking tMZ didn't post such things about him taking his lasts breaths and shit wtf. Of course i would be worried if I heard that shit and would visit too.
"Imma make sure they mention me for the next century"
If he die he prolly will be remembered in all 3 stages of his life: hotboyz, da drought,and after jail
i doubt hell die tho cuz hes lookin death in the eyes, kissing fear on the lips, but if he gets more faded he gon disappear in this bitch like beeeeeeeeeeep there goes his heart(hope he dont die until after he retired)
Ok ok I know this is most likey fake! But Bootleg syrup!!!
A new report alleges that Lil Wayne’s seizures and subsequent brush with death were caused by a toxic mixture of drugs and chemicals. Keep reading for all the details.
Thankfully, Lil Wayne appears to be recovering in the hospital, but a new report alleges that he almost died after consuming a dangerous concoction that included chemicals.
Lil Wayne’s Seizure: Caused By A Disastrous Drink?
Was Lil Wayne’s life saved in the nick of time by fast-thinking doctors who pumped his stomach and purged it of a potent, toxic concoction?
That’s what a new report from Media Takeout alleges. A source claims Lil Wayne drank a “bootleg” syrup that was given to him by a friend. The concoction was reportedly a mix of promethazine and codeine, both of which are strong pain medications. But that’s not all — the drink also contained a number of other prescription drugs, and doctors allegedly also found traces of anti-freeze in Weezy’s system.
The drug-heavy syrup was highly potent and toxic — if this report is true, Lil Wayne is lucky to be alive.
Lil Wayne: Will He Stop Carrying His Styrofoam Cup?
The “bootleg” is just another, stronger form of purple drink, or sizzurp, which has allegedly become a part of Lil Wayne’s persona at this point. In the past when he faced questions about his drug use, Wayne said, “I’m gonna do what I want… I don’t care if it was heroin in my cup. It’s my cup, f**k you.”
And less than six months ago, Lil Wayne was admitted to a hospital after experiencing “seizure-like symptoms.”
Lil Wayne: ‘Doing Well’ & ‘Recovering’
A day after nearly dying, Lil Wayne’s publicists have assured his fans that he is doing okay and is in stable condition. Young Money Entertainment’s rep stated that Weezy did suffer another seizure, but that he “is recovering.” Wayne’s personal publicist, Kia Selby, fiercely denied rumors that he had gone into a coma and asserted that he “is doing well.”
But he can’t keep living this way. Weezy has had several opportunities to change his lifestyle — perhaps this recent life-threatening episode will make him change his ways.