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Lil Wayne In CRITICAL Condition After More Seizures. Induced Coma...
The thing about it is you can look at the information and come up with a positive conclusion or a negative one, which ever makes u feel better.
Birdman, Slim, Mack, Wayns daughter, and other celebs have said he is fine. Fine doesnt mean he is skating an in the studio it could very well mean what the latest "Nicki visiting Wayne" article says, he could be strapped to a shit load of machines recoverying.
Why would YM want to tweet/release a pic of Wayne strappe to machines n shit? That would look bad. They are just letting him recover, going to wait til he finally gets released then im sure wayne will proly make a psa or somethin.
Yall gotta remember, Wayne isnt the most public person. Sure he tweets here and there but thats it. He likes his privacy too.
BTW i believe TMZ was probably feed wrong information. If their info was correct they would still be running that article. Now all they are reporting on is shit that will get them traffic but nothing new (birdman and others visiting).
I think they fuked up plain and simple.
I mean im in college lol but im on the internet.. obviously dont care about writing properly... im not writing a fuckin essay
Nah, I don't care about that. It's my ability to be able to point out when something is blown out of proportion and has become a conspiracy theory.
Just relax for the next few days my brother. IAHB2 is going to leak within the next few days and Wayne will be out of the hospital in the next two, smoking and skating like he always does. We will probably get a PSA next weekend.
Nah, I don't care about that. It's my ability to be able to point out when something is blown out of proportion and has become a conspiracy theory.
Just relax for the next few days my brother. IAHB2 is going to leak within the next few days and Wayne will be out of the hospital in the next two, smoking and skating like he always does. We will probably get a PSA next weekend.
If you're having troubles sleeping then....
youre being naive... wayne is not in good condition. He will get over though. TMZ doesnt fuck up too often, if ever, and YMCMB members lie often about shit involving wayne. believe what you want though as long as wayne gets healthy idgaf
youre being naive... wayne is not in good condition. He will get over though. TMZ doesnt fuck up too often, if ever, and YMCMB members lie often about shit involving wayne. believe what you want though as long as wayne gets healthy idgaf
He's not being naive, he's being logical like most other people posting in this thread, except a few. You and a few others can't seem to fucking stop with the bullshit conspiracy theories with Wayne. It's honestly ridiculous. The man is a rap super star, if all of these rappers, close friends, and everyone else is saying hes fine and TMZ got their shit fucked up, then the man is fine! We would know if something was really bad, or really wrong with him, there's no way all of these people saying all of this about him would be able to hold their mouth shut about him if he WASN'T doing fine. Think about it, how the fuck do things leak? OTHER people doing something to release the information. T.I. fucking said at a concert that he TALKED to him and that Wayne is doing fine and he's going to be back out shittin' on everybody in few days. Just because he's in the hospital, and was at first in ICU, (saying that's even true in the first place) doesn't mean he's in fucking ICU now. They don't keep people in ICU while they're being monitored to make sure their stable, they move them to different locations in the hospital with their own designation, whether that be a regular room, CCU, or ICU. You few people on here really need to stop with the 'over-thinking' of this situation and look at the facts that are present and not speculate like children, and in turn sound like one. This is not a conspiracy theory here. We don't know everything, but we know enough, and have heard enough from credible PEOPLE inside, and outside Wayne's camp to know that he's doing fine. I'm out of this thread for good until we here something from Wayne himself, and even then i doubt i'll be back in here. This is ridiculous. I agree this needs to be closed.
He's not being naive, he's being logical like most other people posting in this thread, except a few. You and a few others can't seem to fucking stop with the bullshit conspiracy theories with Wayne. It's honestly ridiculous. The man is a rap super star, if all of these rappers, close friends, and everyone else is saying hes fine and TMZ got their shit fucked up, then the man is fine! We would know if something was really bad, or really wrong with him, there's no way all of these people saying all of this about him would be able to hold their mouth shut about him if he WASN'T doing fine. Think about it, how the fuck do things leak? OTHER people doing something to release the information. T.I. fucking said at a concert that he TALKED to him and that Wayne is doing fine and he's going to be back out shittin' on everybody in few days. Just because he's in the hospital, and was at first in ICU, (saying that's even true in the first place) doesn't mean he's in fucking ICU now. They don't keep people in ICU while they're being monitored to make sure their stable, they move them to different locations in the hospital with their own designation, whether that be a regular room, CCU, or ICU. You few people on here really need to stop with the 'over-thinking' of this situation and look at the facts that are present and not speculate like children, and in turn sound like one. This is not a conspiracy theory here. We don't know everything, but we know enough, and have heard enough from credible PEOPLE inside, and outside Wayne's camp to know that he's doing fine. I'm out of this thread for good until we here something from Wayne himself, and even then i doubt i'll be back in here. This is ridiculous. I agree this needs to be closed.
I have a clue bout they covering shit up, why haven't we seen a pic/video where he says he's okay. His team come and visit him, lasts seizures they didn't came to visit him. Hope for the best hear my prayers!
*EDIT* To god damn early for me to translate ^^ sorry for grammar.
Minor or severe family and friends are gonna come see you to see if your okay or dying. We dont know if anybody came to see him the last time or not we are just assuming.
I Remember everything...JUSS KNOW