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Lil Wayne In CRITICAL Condition After More Seizures. Induced Coma...
how is he in the ICU still? i have been in the ICU so many times and if someone visits you it has to be guardian or someone really close to you and about two people at a time i guess Chris Paul is really close to him?
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And also wtf Wayne has not been there since wedesnday.... Since Friday.... Wtf is tmz saying 6 days?
Its fuckin Lil Wayne lol... he can have as many visitors as he wants they wont say no to lil wayne or any celeb
Lol true! I'm wondering if Mack will say anything today about Wayne!
Probably lie some more to keep the air positive lol. He just OD'd and lived. Mack cant go around being honest because hes on probation and it would hurt waynes currently fragile image. It makes sense that all ymcmb members and friends (ti ross chainz) are trying to downplay the severity of the situation imo.
Probably lie some more to keep the air positive lol. He just OD'd and lived. Mack cant go around being honest because hes on probation and it would hurt waynes currently fragile image. It makes sense that all ymcmb members and friends (ti ross chainz) are trying to downplay the severity of the situation imo.
This. Some people are naive to think that if he was really sick Birdman and Mack Maine would be honest and have tweeted... Yeahh Weezy is OD'd in comma, near death and might not make it! It will obviously create panic.. their phones will blow up within minutes. Anyway I am sure Weezy is getting better and will be back to normal soon.
Juniayaa is on a mission right now../ YMCMB fla$hing life$tyle.../ we higher & shine than whoever.
This. Some people are naive to think that if he was really sick Birdman and Mack Maine would be honest and have tweeted... Yeahh Weezy is OD'd in comma, near death and might not make it! It will obviously create panic.. their phones will blow up within minutes. Anyway I am sure Weezy is getting better and will be back to normal soon.
exactly. The more its downplayed the easier it is on the family and on wayne to have time to recover.
"That Tweet [that he sent out on Friday] wasn't sent out on that same phone line," he revealed. "I'm not sure if he Tweeted that or not. I wasn't with him at the present moment. One of his fans could have Tweeted that, I'm not really sure where that came from."
Mack also spoke on Wayne's condition, saying that he can't provide an official update on his condition at this time. However, he said that the New Orleans rapper is in recovery and not LOCATED IN ICU as TMZ reported earlier today.
"He's in the hospital regularly, [not ICU]," he said. "I can't really give a comment on his situation right now 'cus we're not really sure, we're just standing by him right now. Like I said, he's in recovery as far as we know, so we're just sitting back, just waiting until he's come fully recovered before we can give a statement."
Hmmm seems like there backing down on the "Wayne's fine don't worry all good type thing " tmz lied again ? Lol come on Mack... U cleary said on Friday Wayne will be making an official statement then he "sent" a tweet! Cleary u knew the tweet was not him. Ymcmb looking dumb
"That Tweet [that he sent out on Friday] wasn't sent out on that same phone line," he revealed. "I'm not sure if he Tweeted that or not. I wasn't with him at the present moment. One of his fans could have Tweeted that, I'm not really sure where that came from."
Mack also spoke on Wayne's condition, saying that he can't provide an official update on his condition at this time. However, he said that the New Orleans rapper is in recovery and not LOCATED IN ICU as TMZ reported earlier today.
"He's in the hospital regularly, [not ICU]," he said. "I can't really give a comment on his situation right now 'cus we're not really sure, we're just standing by him right now. Like I said, he's in recovery as far as we know, so we're just sitting back, just waiting until he's come fully recovered before we can give a statement."
Hmmm seems like there backing down on the "Wayne's fine don't worry all good type thing " tmz lied again ? Lol come on Mack... U cleary said on Friday Wayne will be making an official statement then he "sent" a tweet! Cleary u knew the tweet was not him. Ymcmb looking dumb
Lol. As ive been saying lots of bullshit and tmz doesnt fuck up. Im glad ymcmb downplayed it though it kept everyone calm. Mack sounds like a retard with everything he said tho lol