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Lil Wayne In CRITICAL Condition After More Seizures. Induced Coma...
But if you really think about it.. a tweet doesn't mean shit tbh lol
Exactly they could have tweeted it from his phone to make everyone calm a bit. Like I said if there was something serious they probably wouldn't tell us until they needed to.
Take your nerdy ass back to your basement, fucking looser
And yes you're a fucking looser, i 'member you having your twitter in your sig
and you definetly looked like the biggest faggot i've ever seen on this forum tbh
Take your nerdy ass back to your basement, fucking looser
And yes you're a fucking looser, i 'member you having your twitter in your sig
and you definetly looked like the biggest faggot i've ever seen on this forum tbh
Wooorrrddd yo
Tech this isn't time to fuck around here wayne in critical condition and nobody knows if its true or no is not the time
I could sell Sweet and Low to Sugar Ray Leonard!!!