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Charlamagne: "If Lil Wayne Died Today He Would Be The Greatest Of All Time"

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  • #25
    Originally posted by __cas__ View Post
    People can't just be fans of him right? That logic.
    yeah he got fans no doubt, but eveywhere I go, ppl hate on wayne, facebook, twitter, youtube, but as soon as he release a new album everyone gets it anyway lol, even I hate wayne but still downloaded IANAHB 2, idk why lol


    • #26
      Finally someone calls out Wowzers. That beat was even worse than the lyrics.

      "My tongue is an Uzi, my dick is an AK."
      .................... ....................


      • #27
        wow this shit was right on he was real on everything they asked him and i pretty much agree with everything he said


        • #28
          Originally posted by YMCMB357 View Post
          Charlamagne also disses Lil Wayne a lot of the Breakfast Club =/
          He disses everyone. He's that type of guy.

          It's nothing serious though, he is joking.
          Charlamagne brings up good points. I agree with him. Wayne is Top 5 whether you like it or not.
          He is one of the best all around rappers ever.

          Sure Nas is better lyrically, but nas hasn't had the impact that wayne has. Illmatic was huge, but wayne's run was extended and he was running shit.

          he kept hip hop alive tbh. Even tho he put out lollipop, that made hip hop stay in mainstream culture.

          "I'm not dead im alive" - Lil wayne


          • #29
            Originally posted by KidComet View Post
            yeah he got fans no doubt, but eveywhere I go, ppl hate on wayne, facebook, twitter, youtube, but as soon as he release a new album everyone gets it anyway lol, even I hate wayne but still downloaded IANAHB 2, idk why lol
            Did you not like God Bless Amerika ?

            I think that might be your type of song =/


            • #30
              Skimmed through the comments and found this one that's equivalent and relates to Wayne.

              "It's like people bringing Lebron James down, I hate him. Though he has the record to back up that he is the best player in the nba right now."


              • #31
                Charlamagne honestly gives valid points. Like that track from soulja was terrible!! how many other dj's were willing to give him beats 10 times better then that one?
                I could sell Sweet and Low to Sugar Ray Leonard!!!


                • #32
                  Originally posted by KidComet View Post
                  yeah he got fans no doubt, but eveywhere I go, ppl hate on wayne, facebook, twitter, youtube, but as soon as he release a new album everyone gets it anyway lol, even I hate wayne but still downloaded IANAHB 2, idk why lol
                  Lol same . I downloaded IANAHB 2 , listened , and never touched it again. I just can't help it tho. Like if he releases anything new I have to listen even if I hear its garbage
                  The borders should be illegal instead of the people, who were here before the bible and all of its sequels


                  • #33
                    Originally posted by MarkoMaxX View Post
                    comments are coming from the assholes.
                    Honestly, Charlamagne has his own opinion. And it's a damn good one. Half of those dislikes are the people who haven't watched the whole video and just looked at the title. They are not looking at this objectively, they hate Wayne and there is nothing that will change their mind. That's just it.

                    If Tupac was alive right now and if he said "Weezy is the best rapper alive" they would cuss the fuck out of Tupac.
                    if tupac was alive now they would most likely not give a single fuck about him.

                    ''They say they want the drugs to stop but imma major setback when my album drop''


                    • #34
                      OMFGKTA I love this interview

                      I'm on my way to get, it but get it got shot
                      >>MY EDM CHANNEL<< Serendipity//sounds


                      • #35
                        He speaking the truth man. I agree 100 with this dude!


                        • #36
                          Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post
                          if tupac was alive now they would most likely not give a single fuck about him.
                          not true. You see Dr. Dre and Snoop, they were as big as pac was when he was alive.
                          And people still talk about them.

                          I hate them thirsty bitches
                          Cut them off like circumcision
                          -Lil Wayne

