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making excuses for your idol still, when are you gonna just realize this dude is a satanic sell out, you can still praise him and jam him all you want, but damn, you gotta realize that this dude is a devil worshipper already
im sorry but u are really strange
u know how many ppl wear white and black each day?
Wayne saying Floyd's lifestyle is crazy but he been living like that himself since he was a teen lol.
Syrup, percocet, and an eighth a day will leave you broke, depressed, and emotionally vacant
Despite how Lil' Wayne lives
It's not conducive to being creative
And I know cause he's my favorite
And I know cause I was off that same mix
Rationalize the shit that I'd try after I listen to "Dedication"
But he's an alien
I'd sip that shit
Pass out or play PlayStation.