Kidd Kidd stopped by The Breakfast Club this morning. He spoke on not being in the ‘Mrs. Officer’ video with Wayne, shifting his family in and out of New Orleans, getting shot in New Orleans after he signed with 50 Cent, being featured on Lil Wayne’s Dedication 5 and Weezy being featured on his forthcoming EP Street Fame (it was earlier a mixtape), being taken off 50′s ‘We Up’ with Kendrick Lamar, what he learned from past members of G-Unit having problems with 50 and more.
I couldn't link the video, sorry about that.
,He starts talking about wayne & 2:34 & then he talks about how he got shot in new orleans & he goes back to wayne being featured on his New EP Street Fame at 6:57 
Kidd Kidd On The Breakfast Club | HipHop-N-More

Kidd Kidd On The Breakfast Club | HipHop-N-More