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So I just got off the phone with Nice Kicks in Austin. The dude in the store told me the C5 shirt was just for promotion and weren't for sale. All of them were picked back up. -_______-
You heard me. I don't like the cover. I have a taste people usually side with. I feel like from the looks of this cover, the album is gonna suck. I, like everyone else still have high hopes tho.
Originally posted by nickiminajsitonmyfaceView Post
You heard me. I don't like the cover. I have a taste people usually side with. I feel like from the looks of this cover, the album is gonna suck. I, like everyone else still have high hopes tho.
Originally posted by nickiminajsitonmyfaceView Post
You heard me. I don't like the cover. I have a taste people usually side with. I feel like from the looks of this cover, the album is gonna suck. I, like everyone else still have high hopes tho.