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There are spots when it shines and spots when it's blotchy. Mostly blotchy. The beat is ass though. What the hell happened to Inf? Didn't Drew and him make "I'm Me" for Christ's Sake? How do you falter so hard? That decline is polar.
That high pitched flow is so freakin lame tho😂😂.. I mean what happened to that wayne that used to kinda mumble with his flow? Dude entire approach is just wack af. Somebody needs to talk to this guy
There are spots when it shines and spots when it's blotchy. Mostly blotchy. The beat is ass though. What the hell happened to Inf? Didn't Drew and him make "I'm Me" for Christ's Sake? How do you falter so hard? That decline is polar.
That high pitched flow is so freakin lame tho.. I mean what happened to that wayne that used to kinda mumble with his flow? Dude entire approach is just wack af. Somebody needs to talk to this guy
Agree. I want that mumbling, when you can barely understand him yet it sounds so good. I want that my and my drank voice.
At first, I was like, 'Great, another whiny, strained voice no-flow go at it.' But the lyrics are good and if they remix it then it has potential. At least it is a full song. This could actually sound better at BET then it does here.
Still waiting for the go hard song of the year. Hopefully, at least one of these two albums has some.