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Lil Wayne, Jay Z, Nas, Kanye West Criticized For Not Addressing Ferguson Shooting!!
Why should they address it?
People put way too much importance on the options of celebrities, as if they know any better or are any wiser then anyone else
Why should they address it?
People put way too much importance on the options of celebrities, as if they know any better or are any wiser then anyone else
Exactly. So tf what they aint said shit? Errbody else sayin enough. Them speakin on it wont change anything at at all and I'm tired of hearin about it. Hell, tbh I personally don't care. What happened was fucked up, but fucked up shit happens every goddamn day. No one bothers rallying support groups and makin it nationwide news when this happens to white folks so why make it a big deal now? Niggaz always screamin bout equality and shit but when sumn happens to black folks they feel entitled to extra pity or sumn.
Again, it's all fucked up in the end, but damn. Shit happens. Every day. I aint sayin its excusable or should be taken lightly, but come on...who cares if these niggaz speak on it. We already know what they'd say. The same shit errbody else in the public eye is sayin. The shit errbody wanna hear.
Lil Wayne, Drake, Chance the Rapper, Skooly, Rich Homie Quan, 2 Chainz.
Why should they address it?
People put way too much importance on the options of celebrities, as if they know any better or are any wiser then anyone else
Because They Have A Voice & Have The Ability To Influence & Make Chance Better Than A Common Person . . . . . . .
Because They Have A Voice & Have The Ability To Influence & Make Chance Better Than A Common Person . . . . . . .
But what good is a voice when you don't back it up with action? Celebrity's always want to talk but rarely check their facts or follow it up with action.
Remember in 04 when they had that huge Rock the Vote campaign? All the major celebrities jumped on board and were way into it. Then later it came out that most of them had just been repeating whatever sounded good and had no idea what they were talking about. And that after all that, most of them didn't even vote.
My point is that while they might have a louder voice that's not always a good thing. Also when it comes to controversial topics most of them will stay quiet because regardless of what they say someone is going to get mad at them for it. It's rarely a good PR move. And they know that.
No matter how many rappers speak on this nothing will get done.
You need politicians and police chiefs to do something about this and put in place new laws governing these type of situations. It is the personal responsibility of police chiefs to speak out against this and put in new policies to protect citizens against situations like this. This is why the youth should vote and get involved with politics in their cities. I know I'm not involved enough in Toronto's politics, I should be.
In regards to Trayvon and other racially charged gun crimes not involving public servants, you will never see any change regarding that. Until the States realizes how fucked they are because of gun lobbies and your obsession with firearms within your own fucking constitution, shit like what happened to Trayvon will continue to occur. Nothing will ever get done in regards to that. Politicians are scared shitless of introducing gun restrictions. It's fucking pathetic how America governs firearms really.
But what good is a voice when you don't back it up with action? Celebrity's always want to talk but rarely check their facts or follow it up with action.
Remember in 04 when they had that huge Rock the Vote campaign? All the major celebrities jumped on board and were way into it. Then later it came out that most of them had just been repeating whatever sounded good and had no idea what they were talking about. And that after all that, most of them didn't even vote.
My point is that while they might have a louder voice that's not always a good thing. Also when it comes to controversial topics most of them will stay quiet because regardless of what they say someone is going to get mad at them for it. It's rarely a good PR move. And they know that.
But Most Of Us Won't Know They Did Anyways Unless You Look Shit Up... People Don't Do All That.... All Most ppl know is that they heard jay or ye or wayne said something so they must care..... that's good enough aint it? that'll alone open eyes