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STASHED �Deep� was a record that I wasn�t crazy about as it started. However, a memorable Lil Wayne verse saved all of that at the very end. While most would probably think Wayne would take his spot to talk about how great he is, he dedicated the entire verse to Sean�s lyrical prowess. He explains in vivd detail why Sean doesn�t get as much credit as he deserves, pointing mostly to his clean cut image devoid of any tattoos or gang affiliations. Wayne says that if Sean was more like the Young Money maestro, alluding to his own criminal past, tattoos, and gang signs, that Sean would be more celebrated. He details how hard it is for a young rapper to bare his soul on records about family, fame, betrayal and love while ending his stanzas with �man, that s**t deep� like a lyrical comma.
well not like 'story', i didn't really know how else to say it lol, like a song about a certain subject and he sticks to it if you know what i mean, story was the only word i could think of :/