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im just ready to see wayne fight somebody now, this too much talking from where im from ,why you on stage for. cuz i dont tell you what i wanna do bitch i do it when i wanna do it . with that ghetto ass jewelry u got on.bitch i waz that firecracker that would've touch you even if i got DROPPED .line the shit up or stop the gum poppin nigga 4 u get yo bubble pop and thats word from the agency
let me find out this nigga from madagascar talking tough like this....
What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.
Thug got a unique a cool delivery but lyrics are asss as fuck,No comparing Weezy and Thugga thats like conparing a peasent(thugga) to God(Wayne) there's no comparison, hopefully thugga realizes that
"Nothings promised but a graveyard cant
see myself dyin broke Ray Charles" "Your flow never wet, like grandma pussy, i'm always good, like grandma cookies"
not even a diss its just a man standing up for himself and what he has created.... wayne created tha carter, thug wouldn't name his shit carter 6 if it wasn't for carter i-iv. wayne just feels very disrespected as he should. i don't even hate young thug but this ain't a diss this is just wayne setting the record straight he's never spoken on how thug totally copies and bites everything he's done; until now, so i totally salute wayne for this