Put up your “OWN” cash or shut up. Lil Wayne calls out Meek Mill for twitter rant by challenging the known battle rapper to a 10 million dollar rap battle. Meek Mill has not replied to the challenge at the time this article was published but we plan to update you with info as soon as we receive. Wayne tells the MMG artist to put up his own cash because Lil Wayne must know Meek Mill may not even have 10 million cash let alone 10 million cash to lose.
Meek Mill took to twitter on late Tuesday night early Wednesday morning going crazy about Drake and we all knew it was only a matter of time before Lil Wayne would step in. Especially with the drama between him and Birdman going on Wayne is not looking for anymore issues with his income sources. Birdman already messing with his bread with this album release and Drake along with Nicki Minaj are revenue streams for Lil Wayne Young Money Records.
sourse: http://dailymediabuzz.com/put-up-or-shut-up-lil-wayne-challenges-meek-mill-to-battle-for-10-million/
Meek Mill took to twitter on late Tuesday night early Wednesday morning going crazy about Drake and we all knew it was only a matter of time before Lil Wayne would step in. Especially with the drama between him and Birdman going on Wayne is not looking for anymore issues with his income sources. Birdman already messing with his bread with this album release and Drake along with Nicki Minaj are revenue streams for Lil Wayne Young Money Records.
sourse: http://dailymediabuzz.com/put-up-or-shut-up-lil-wayne-challenges-meek-mill-to-battle-for-10-million/
