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By "Changed It", I think he means he changed his own diaper. Because he took a raw baby-green-shit on the mic. And that was the result. He purposely tunes the autotune to the worst setting possible when he uses it. Come to think of it, has he ever known how to set it properly? He uses my least fave kind on everything nowadays. He's always been the weakest on autotune to me. Worse than Lil' Durk.
And then a better Wayne verse is now found on the Young Chris album. Wtf? Two good verses. Two bad verses. Wtf, Wayne? I stay ambivalent about the shit he does. This verse might be two years old too though. Smh.
I heard "No Frauds" already. They all sucked on it. Worse than Truffle Butter. "Changed It" doesn't sound better. Damn, Wayne sounds like ass on all these recently-recorded features. The Raekwon one doesn't count because that's two years old and just dropped today.
Nicki said
"What type of bum bitch shoot her friend over a stack
What type of mother leave her 1 son over a stack"
"Heard yo pussy on yuck guess you needed a Pap"
Nigga that shit not light! That's personal af and dope & that 6 rings line