Re: 50 cent dissing Lil Wayne on "before I self Destruct"
Oh haha, I feel dumb now lol. But I know what you mean, it's not really a needed thread. 50 fell off hard, in trying to get more people to listen he took shots at all the wrong people
And Alkalin who took hard shots at who lol?
But all you need to know is the following, 50's debut album was shit hot, his follow up album sold over a mill in first week because he had hype, his third album did less than a mill but still sold well, BISD came out and did worse than Susan Boyle's debut album
Go google Susan Boyle and then you'll get it
Originally posted by skimdudee420

And Alkalin who took hard shots at who lol?

But all you need to know is the following, 50's debut album was shit hot, his follow up album sold over a mill in first week because he had hype, his third album did less than a mill but still sold well, BISD came out and did worse than Susan Boyle's debut album
