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just fucking wait and see what happens. Isn't he the guy that gave us dinnertime? So maybe he managed to get some more. 10 pm is just a few hours left.
he's been asked to post snippets more or less since last night and the first few pages of this thread. the fact that he ignores the request and has been posting from then to now shows that he doesn't have any of the songs
They were all named Track 1-18 when I got them. I named them all. A simple mistake, you aint gotta believe me, but at 10 PM, just believe me.
Did you by any chance change around the tracklist order as well? The insta videos show that track 6 is Light, 7 is Jungle, and 8 is World On My Shoulders. But yet, your tracklist doesn't match with any of these besides Off The Wall/World On My Shoulders. But then again, the Dinnertime CDQ has it set as track 10 yet it's 17 on the tracklist you posted so idk.