Might be the realest song Wayne released since he came out of jail.
"Why me? Why do I look up and see my feet?
Am I rising? but why do my peak look like its out of my reach?
Why can't I trust what I see"
He is aware he can't be the best coz he can't beat himself back in his prime.
"And I never feel like poor me, I rather feel like the old me"
"I'm the GOAT nigga, no goatee"
Its like he's accepting the harsh reality.
That Outro is just dark as fuck, second verse is dope as fuck.
Conscious Weezy
"Why me? Why do I look up and see my feet?
Am I rising? but why do my peak look like its out of my reach?
Why can't I trust what I see"
He is aware he can't be the best coz he can't beat himself back in his prime.
"And I never feel like poor me, I rather feel like the old me"
"I'm the GOAT nigga, no goatee"
Its like he's accepting the harsh reality.
That Outro is just dark as fuck, second verse is dope as fuck.
Conscious Weezy
