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I want all of you to download auto tune right now and try to sing.
It does not make you a damn singer!
It helps some parts where it goes off pitch but seriously if you cant hit notes and stretch your voice, auto tune
wont do that for you.
Wayne sings like a beast on Paradice and Die For You.
Jeezy, Gucci, Soulja, Jay, Em etc could not do what Wayne does.
wayne sings like a beast? are you serious..its below average by far..and its no where near how good tpain sounds on it or other artists so thats quite the stretch there, thank god hes back to killing ceilings
Too bad Rebirth is AFTER no ceilings.
Wayne is a beast at anything he does.
I want all of you to download auto tune right now and try to sing.
It does not make you a damn singer!
It helps some parts where it goes off pitch but seriously if you cant hit notes and stretch your voice, auto tune
wont do that for you.
Wayne sings like a beast on Paradice and Die For You.
Jeezy, Gucci, Soulja, Jay, Em etc could not do what Wayne does.
I want all of you to download auto tune right now and try to sing.
It does not make you a damn singer!
It helps some parts where it goes off pitch but seriously if you cant hit notes and stretch your voice, auto tune
wont do that for you.
Wayne sings like a beast on Paradice and Die For You.
Jeezy, Gucci, Soulja, Jay, Em etc could not do what Wayne does.
The truth
Bitch I don't give a motherfuck, yea I'm leanin, bout to pour me up another cup. Yea I'm high, bout to roll me up another blunt
I want all of you to download auto tune right now and try to sing.
It does not make you a damn singer!
It helps some parts where it goes off pitch but seriously if you cant hit notes and stretch your voice, auto tune
wont do that for you.
Wayne sings like a beast on Paradice and Die For You.
Jeezy, Gucci, Soulja, Jay, Em etc could not do what Wayne does.
The truth
nah its total bullshit
I'm a monster i tell you, Monster Wayne, I have just swallowed the key to the house of pain, Now i'm stuck here to deal with the houses pain, Fuck with me I will peel like the houses paint
I want all of you to download auto tune right now and try to sing.
It does not make you a damn singer!
It helps some parts where it goes off pitch but seriously if you cant hit notes and stretch your voice, auto tune
wont do that for you.
Wayne sings like a beast on Paradice and Die For You.
Jeezy, Gucci, Soulja, Jay, Em etc could not do what Wayne does.
The truth
nah its total bullshit
No, ur post is total bullshit.
D4! C4!
..........................The world is in my hand smack the shit out ya with my other hand!
Props yall..
People think Auto Tune is this thing can just make you sing perfect.
I never said Wayne can really well or anything but he is a beast at it.
He uses what god gave him and does the best he can and its GOOD.
Not everyone has a voice but Wayne voice is unique and he uses what hes got.
And I love Wayne singing. I think its raw as hell.
Waynes whole MESSAGE on Rebirth is great.
Its not about just bitches and shit but its about way deeper shit.
His voice is different, his lyrics are different and his swag is different
Yet, in 1 second he can switch it back to hood shit and MURDER all these rappers.
He can can wit the rock side and destroy the rap side.
man fuck that website, with dis i can say they know shit about music, wayne's rebirth is so fckn amazing, creative and most of the songs have very intense and deep verses.. lil wayne is the best rapper/ rocker / singer alive!
man fuck that website, with dis i can say they know shit about music, wayne's rebirth is so fckn amazing, creative and most of the songs have very intense and deep verses.. lil wayne is the best rapper/ rocker / singer alive!
Now you make yourself and people who suport Rebirth look stupid.
Wayne is NOT the best rocker alive.
Wayne is NOT the best singer alive.
He is good but he is not the best.
To claim your the best at 1 thing is huge by itself but to say that your the best in 3 genres of music is just..
I want all of you to download auto tune right now and try to sing.
It does not make you a damn singer!
It helps some parts where it goes off pitch but seriously if you cant hit notes and stretch your voice, auto tune
wont do that for you.
Wayne sings like a beast on Paradice and Die For You.
Jeezy, Gucci, Soulja, Jay, Em etc could not do what Wayne does.
wayne sings like a beast? are you serious..its below average by far..and its no where near how good tpain sounds on it or other artists so thats quite the stretch there, thank god hes back to killing ceilings
actually that all depends on what form of autotune he was using, if ur judging rebirth to how bad promqueen was n how bad that autotune was, then ur right, but if u judge it on a track where he used it in a great way like knockout, dadada, american star, or i'm so over you, then you are completely full of shit
Still long hair, don't care like a Navajo
I'm spittin new shit, u shud check it out viewtopic.php?f=12&t=8792