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Re: Lil Wayne's Style (Shoes, Glasses, Clothing etc)
Originally posted by drakeezy
Does anyone know what kind of glasses weezy is wearing on the picture on the back of tha carter III and in the pic at the top if this site? I love the design!
Sorry to make this my first post here, will post something in the newbies section later, but I'm also desperate to find out about these shades and can't find info anywhere online. Anybody care to help?
Re: Lil Wayne's Style (Shoes, Glasses, Clothing etc)
Originally posted by coco3
key locks
small simple jewlery
wayne makes "big dawg" money.. soo try spending more.. most of his stuff is Louis Vuitton or Marc Jacobs
most glasses are either ray ban, marc jacobs, LV or even oakleys.. just check their sites
hahahaha no kidding, once people actually find out what brands and style's he wears, they cant afford it anyways, and wasted everyone's time asking and researching
Re: Lil Wayne's Style (Shoes, Glasses, Clothing etc)
i kno wits kinda hard to notice but cana nyone tell me what type of watch this is ??
i kno wits kinda hard to notice but can anyone tell me what type of watch this is ??
Re: Lil Wayne's Style (Shoes, Glasses, Clothing etc)
Originally posted by II StevE II
i kno wits kinda hard to notice but cana nyone tell me what type of watch this is ??
i kno wits kinda hard to notice but can anyone tell me what type of watch this is ??
idk what brand that is but i have a michael kors watch that looks just like that