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"Gudda will kidnap your kids, fuck them in the ass, then throw them off the bridge."
Re: "Gudda will kidnap your kids, fuck them in the ass, then throw them off the bridg
come on yall, dats a line THE NOTORIOUS B.I.G. said on the song "Whats Beef.?" but i woulda neva said it but i doubt dat Gudda gunna fck somebody let alone somebodyys kids in da ass, but sht who knows forreal. but you cant take ERTHANG a rappa sayys to the heart.
Re: "Gudda will kidnap your kids, fuck them in the ass, then throw them off the bridg
You guys have to see these mixtapes are like movies.. If you can watch movies like Law Abiding Citizen, and not critisize it. Why critique music? It's all idealistic. To give you something to think about. Doesn't mean he'll really do it. And second, you guys must realise you can't think of 'innocent children'. It's gotta be kids of they niggas who hate on Wayne, Him, & YM. Basically anytime they diss in raps non-mentioning who? It's the people who oppose them. Like imagine if someone talk shit to them, that's a future 211 on him & his family. Get me?
He never said rape innocent kids. They know who Gudda & Wayne talking to, and I do.
Know that we belong on the top, but we ain't trippin..
Hes a beast for jackin' Biggie's line? Uhhhh that makes no sense.
I think he meant like how Wayne remembered that specific line and put it together with Gudda Gudda, but yeah I wouldn't consider that line a beast on Waynes part because it's not his.