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What year did you first start listening to Wayne?

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  • #61
    Re: What year did you first start listening to Wayne?

    Not sure what year it was exactly.. I just remember seeing the 'Everything' vid and copping 'Lights Out' from an Ames. 'Get Off The Corner' came through the headphones and I was officially hooked.


    • #62
      Re: What year did you first start listening to Wayne?

      Tha Carter 3 was my first exposure to wayne.


      • #63
        Re: What year did you first start listening to Wayne?

        2008 when carter 3 came out. my buddy was like u gotta listen to this. im like fuck that, lil wayne is a joke. and then i was like holy shit. i loved it. he is a genius.


        • #64
          Re: What year did you first start listening to Wayne?

          im sure most of the forum's first exposure to wayne was his Carter 1/Go DJ days, that's just the average age group in here and that was one of waynes highest profile songs on carter 1.


          • #65
            Re: What year did you first start listening to Wayne?

            am I the only one who knows him trough dipset?? I mean i was like crazy on that diplomat-shit when I was 14 , i saw wayne first in that make it work video ... thats when i startet to search wayne songs ... i got totally addictet when carter III came out (maybe because i startet to understand what he was talking - im from germany) now it raised to a 1000+ track collection and my ipod didnt see any other artist but wayne n eminem since months xD


            • #66
              Re: What year did you first start listening to Wayne?

              Like Late 2006 Early 2007


              • #67
                Re: What year did you first start listening to Wayne?

                Around Carter 2


                • #68
                  Re: What year did you first start listening to Wayne?

                  I remember hearing of Wayne since he came out with Tha Block Is Hot, but I didn't fuck wit' him until Tha Carter came out. If there was 1 song that got me interested, it was probably Go DJ. I still hadn't bought or listened to any CD's of him until Tha Carter II Came out. My friend let me borrow it and I remember playing it all day and just letting it restart when it finished.


                  • #69
                    Re: What year did you first start listening to Wayne?

                    c2 time period. so about 5 years ago. but i REALLY started listening to him a lot more when dedication 2 came out.

