Don't take this the wrong way or as a dis to Wayne. Have anyone on here notice that Wayne contradicts (sorry if I'm miss using this word) his self a lot. He rap about his personal life but when questioned about it, he get mad and say things like "Mind your own business". He said don't compare him to no one because no one is near him but he turned around and said "'I'm the new pac". In a interview he said he don't listen to other artist, only him but on that dvd he said all the songs on no ceilings, he said he was feeling those songs and in la la la he said "I study B I, bang 2pac, hum Aaliyah" He say things like "I meant everything I rap about, every word" we all know he rap about sex but in the carter doc he said he don't have sex next thing you know he got 3 woman pregnant. In the carter doc "i don't drink, makes my stomach hurts" no ceilings "i don't like beer i like champagne" "drank till i throw up" Now I see why he said he don't even understand his own self
. Sorry for my bad grammar.