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Is Wayne smoking weed again?

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  • #61
    Re: Is Wayne smoking weed again?

    can wayne get back on the syrup, thats legal in the US right?

    Or does it violate hsi probation anyway


    • #62
      Re: Is Wayne smoking weed again?

      Originally posted by RayJetSki View Post
      can wayne get back on the syrup, thats legal in the US right?

      Or does it violate hsi probation anyway
      Codeine is a prescription drug, so if he has a legal prescription he could take it while on probation.


      • #63
        Re: Is Wayne smoking weed again?

        Originally posted by trstmeimapro View Post
        Codeine is a prescription drug, so if he has a legal prescription he could take it while on probation.
        i really don't think it will happen thou

        "Love me or hate me, I promise it won’t make or break me"


        • #64
          Re: Is Wayne smoking weed again?

          Of course he is looking high in some pictures...
          When you stay up all night and don't sleep much it's normal that you look like a fucking drug addict

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          • #65
            Re: Is Wayne smoking weed again?

            Originally posted by trstmeimapro View Post
            Nobody knows the answer to that except the people with Wayne at the time. SInce hes on probation, he's not gonna admit it, and his people arent gonna admit it. They have to make it seem as if he is really following the laws. Why do you think every pic you see of Weezy now is with a cigar and Figi water, to cover up if he does.

            IMO I do think he does because alot of pictures since relase look like he is high and his voice his getting deeper now I notice, when he was 1st relased his voice was clear and healthy sounding, but now like the video Welcom to my Hood his voice is deeper and his words arent as clear.
            Smoking cigars makes your voice deeper too.

            And why are we talking about syrup? He quit that before he was even on probation.

            "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


            • #66
              Re: Is Wayne smoking weed again?

              I know, but if he can get back on that legally he might just to get high lol


              • #67
                Re: Is Wayne smoking weed again?

                Originally posted by RayJetSki View Post
                I know, but if he can get back on that legally he might just to get high lol
                I doubt he's that much of a fucking fiend bro.
                Going 8 months without any type of mind altering substance really shows you how being sober can be benefitial.
                At the same time, it could show how it sucks. Wayne is definitely drinking though. I know that . He talks about it a lot.
                He also can't really be tested.. unless he got like alcohol poisoning, and it stayed in his system for like 24 hours and had a drug test the next morning. Otherwise, he's gucci.
                Tha Carter Franchise <3


                • #68
                  Re: Is Wayne smoking weed again?


                  Could he relocate to Los Angeles, complain of backproblems, a head ache, and migranes. .

                  AND GET WEED?


                  • #69
                    Re: Is Wayne smoking weed again?

                    Originally posted by Rerg View Post

                    Could he relocate to Los Angeles, complain of backproblems, a head ache, and migranes. .

                    AND GET WEED?

