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Why do so many ppl dislike Lil Wayne?

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  • #37
    Re: Why do so many ppl dislike Lil Wayne?

    They hate him cuz he changed hip hop. People don't like change. Eminem use to have alot of haters when he first started getting famous too. Cuz he was different, but soon after ppl got use to him. And Wayne changed hip hop (along wit other artists like Kanye..) & continues to keep changing. He also has so many varieties in muzik styles that it either angers/confuses ppl cuz they have a view on what "Hip Hop" should be. They don't like that he tried "Rock" or that he tried "Pop". Alot of ppl are stuck on Old skool hip hop & they barely realize that we're in 2011 and things change thru generations. It might be hard to accept but its true. Its fine if u digg old skool hip hop & refuse to change that. Thats fine, but those ppl have 2 realize that they're barely gonna get anymore new muzik to enjoy cuz those artist are either dead or have also changed their way of creating muzik... They also hate that Lil Wayne sometimes raps about only getting pussy, money & drugs. But once again, ppl have 2 understand that tha rappers aren't living that hood life anymore. They do have money & their lifestyles have changed over tha years after gettin signed. They've made it & now they have 2 continue rapping about their new lifestyles. In tha beginning, they usually rap about their hood lifes & shit. But after a few albums/mixtapes, ppl have already heard all that has happened in their hood lives. These are just a few reasons why ppl hate on rappers like Wayne.


    • #38
      Re: Why do so many ppl dislike Lil Wayne?

      Originally posted by Tech N9ne View Post
      Being a cross-over artist doesn't really matter when you're in 3 genres - Excellent in one (Rap), Decent in another ('rock'), and trash in the other ('singing').
      lol u -rep me when you want to talk? :p

      and lol, wayne hasn't really done real rock yet, its just a mix of rock and hip hop. Which he is actually good at, the best. And singing? Dude.. How To Love? smh...


      • #39
        Re: Why do so many ppl dislike Lil Wayne?

        Originally posted by Nethurrr View Post
        lol u -rep me when you want to talk? :p

        And singing? Dude.. How To Love? smh...
        Ehh, no? Lol.

        What about it? It's horrible.


        • #40
          Re: Why do so many ppl dislike Lil Wayne?

          Originally posted by Tech N9ne View Post
          Ehh, no? Lol.

          What about it? It's horrible.
          thats funny, someone did that "because I did not respond" bitches need to put their names on that kinda shit, I don't care for the rep but lol..

          And yeah How To Love did use somekind of vocoder fosho but still. I think wayne has a good voice for actual singing too. And how to love was legendary, bitches love it.


          • #41
            Re: Why do so many ppl dislike Lil Wayne?

            Originally posted by Nethurrr View Post
            thats funny, someone did that "because I did not respond" bitches need to put their names on that kinda shit, I don't care for the rep but lol..

            And yeah How To Love did use somekind of vocoder fosho but still. I think wayne has a good voice for actual singing too. And how to love was legendary, bitches love it.
            Nah..Wasn't me.

            But I'll just bring this up. What 'Codys' said was that Wayne is a crossover artist because he does rock/rap/singing. So does that mean Justin Bieber & Chris Brown are good rappers?


            • #42
              Re: Why do so many ppl dislike Lil Wayne?

              Originally posted by Tech N9ne View Post
              Nah..Wasn't me.

              But I'll just bring this up. What 'Codys' said was that Wayne is a crossover artist because he does rock/rap/singing. So does that mean Justin Bieber & Chris Brown are good rappers?
              No ofc not, but Wayne is rather good at his mix with rock and hiphop (unlike justin with rap ), and we haven't heard much actual singing from him.. Ofc the rock part is questionable and not as good as his rap is, but Wayne sure is the only mainstream rapper who can pull this off, don't you agree?

              n yeah Wayne is a crossover artist just because of the content of rebrith and IANAHB, atleast imo.


              • #43
                Re: Why do so many ppl dislike Lil Wayne?

                Originally posted by LilWeezy-Wee View Post
                They hate him cuz he changed hip hop. People don't like change. Eminem use to have alot of haters when he first started getting famous too. Cuz he was different, but soon after ppl got use to him. And Wayne changed hip hop (along wit other artists like Kanye..) & continues to keep changing. He also has so many varieties in muzik styles that it either angers/confuses ppl cuz they have a view on what "Hip Hop" should be. They don't like that he tried "Rock" or that he tried "Pop". Alot of ppl are stuck on Old skool hip hop & they barely realize that we're in 2011 and things change thru generations. It might be hard to accept but its true. Its fine if u digg old skool hip hop & refuse to change that. Thats fine, but those ppl have 2 realize that they're barely gonna get anymore new muzik to enjoy cuz those artist are either dead or have also changed their way of creating muzik... They also hate that Lil Wayne sometimes raps about only getting pussy, money & drugs. But once again, ppl have 2 understand that tha rappers aren't living that hood life anymore. They do have money & their lifestyles have changed over tha years after gettin signed. They've made it & now they have 2 continue rapping about their new lifestyles. In tha beginning, they usually rap about their hood lifes & shit. But after a few albums/mixtapes, ppl have already heard all that has happened in their hood lives. These are just a few reasons why ppl hate on rappers like Wayne.
                u hit the needle on the head
                Originally posted by Tech N9ne View Post
                Ehh, no? Lol.

                What about it? It's horrible.
                am i the only one that actually likes that song? lol


                • #44
                  Re: Why do so many ppl dislike Lil Wayne?

                  I Think It All Mainly Started Wen He Kissed Baby...

                  But First it Was His Voice... it was annoying they said

                  Then he pronounced himself the best rapper alive.. that was a problem

                  then he kissed baby lol cant defend that

                  then tha drugs.... now ppl saying he needs to get back on it lol smh

                  Then Tha Gang Shit and Him Not being a real blood

                  then that auto tune shit

                  then tha rockstar shit and crossing over..

                  I would sit here and say its one thing but den ppl will start hating on sumthing else

                  Either You Love him Or Hate Him


                  • #45
                    Idk but they allllll bozooooooz fr frrrrrrrrrrr


                    • #46
                      Originally posted by Coo1man4 View Post
                      Idk but they allllll bozooooooz fr frrrrrrrrrrr
                      why bump a 2011 thread??

