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  • #13
    Re: WOW....

    if u want a good laugh u should check this thread out

    all the lyrics suck


    • #14
      Re: WOW....

      wayne fell off real hard only 3-4 songs shine out the carter 4...even in president carter he had to slip in a few corny punchlines...and since he got the reaction he wanted...near a milli or over we don't know yet...why should he even try harder?...wait for this wait for that etc...if dedication4 doesnt bang at least as hard as dedication3 im not even gonna have hope in my favorite rapper of all time anymore... sad sight to see that kids eat his shit up like fleas.... and i would be even happy with the 08-09 style of wayne...i think the leaks between 06 and 08 were even better than tha carter he said all about his money, he's a hooker now(i know not to take that line seriously but thats the truth tbh)... no appetite, not a rapper eater anymore, just passing the mic to wack niggas and trying to conform to his audience that followed him after no the end of the day i still have hope in wayne....he still got it in him (novacane for example is good) but we cant read my nigga mind so...i still have hope until he retires


      • #15
        Re: WOW....

        This is how i feel about the dick rider little kids on this forum:

        "Im seein thru you niggas like a fukin psychic" - Lil Wayne (2005)

        i'm done with my rant, i know there are millions that agree.
        Murder capital, only key to survive is kill
        If the elements dont murder you the riders will 4 real
        And niggas know I goes hard to the fullest
        Get involved and I got em playin dodge ball with bullets


        • #16
          Re: WOW....

          I think its a fact that wayne aint that lyrical and creative as he was but he still makes great music cuz I cant stop listening to C4 even so I don't like some of the punchlines. I wish he would stop with that pointless and scenceless punchline collection and start to rap about real stuff like "Something you forgot" or "Trouble".

          It would be interesting es fuck if an interviewer would ask him what he thinks if people say he fell off...
          Oooh shit, motherfucker, God Damn


          • #17
            Re: WOW....

            Originally posted by andreinstein View Post
            wayne fell off real hard only 3-4 songs shine out the carter 4...even in president carter he had to slip in a few corny punchlines...and since he got the reaction he wanted...near a milli or over we don't know yet...why should he even try harder?...wait for this wait for that etc...if dedication4 doesnt bang at least as hard as dedication3 im not even gonna have hope in my favorite rapper of all time anymore... sad sight to see that kids eat his shit up like fleas.... and i would be even happy with the 08-09 style of wayne...i think the leaks between 06 and 08 were even better than tha carter he said all about his money, he's a hooker now(i know not to take that line seriously but thats the truth tbh)... no appetite, not a rapper eater anymore, just passing the mic to wack niggas and trying to conform to his audience that followed him after no the end of the day i still have hope in wayne....he still got it in him (novacane for example is good) but we cant read my nigga mind so...i still have hope until he retires
            Do you think Wayne will all of a sudden rap different......

            Remember when he got released

            Wayne released from prison: " Oh He just got released let him get in the groove of rapping"
            When more feat verse came: " You cant judge wayne from theses features, he is not even trying, wait for tha carter IV
            When Carter IV came out: " Wait until dedication 4....

            When will this all end...Wayne will never be the same....just accept it...
            Mississippi x California x North Carolina


            • #18
              Originally posted by Cli-City View Post

              Do you think Wayne will all of a sudden rap different......

              Remember when he got released

              Wayne released from prison: " Oh He just got released
              let him get in the groove of rapping"
              When more feat verse came: " You cant judge wayne from theses features, he is not even trying, wait for tha carter IV
              When Carter IV came out: " Wait until dedication 4....

              When will this all end...Wayne will never be the same....just accept it...
              QFT. it's funny everybody is hanging there hats on D4 now lol..


              • #19
                Re: WOW....

                "we want the old Wayne back" lol go back tha Carter II
                Some ppl didn't even hear C2 and are complaining as if they know shit lol.

                U waiting for Wayne to be a story teller? Then go out of this forum and go find a new artist to love, coz Wayne never been/never will be that, weezy always talked punchlines, just flows change and lyrics
                Originally posted by Shake
                Why so negative all the time???


                • #20
                  Re: WOW....

                  "Walking around on my fuck it shit, I done did everything on my bucket list"

                  Pretty much explains why he's not hungry anymore... Doesn't need to be.

                  "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


                  • #21
                    Re: WOW....

                    Folks face it..its over.......Kendrick, J Cole, Big K.R.I.T
                    Mississippi x California x North Carolina


                    • #22
                      Re: WOW....

                      Originally posted by Cli-City View Post
                      Folks face it..its over.......Kendrick, J Cole, Big K.R.I.T
                      Sad thing is none of them are as good as 06-08 Wayne....

                      "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


                      • #23
                        Re: WOW....

                        Originally posted by wolverinebball11 View Post
                        Sad thing is none of them are as good as 06-08 Wayne....
                        True...Fuck My Life......
                        Mississippi x California x North Carolina


                        • #24
                          Re: WOW....

                          I personally think C4 is GREAT... C2 is better allright.. but guys have to change.... that was 2005
                          It's 2011 NOW!!

